Ban request for 2 guys

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Your Steam/In-game Name: Michael Scofield / Michael Abruzzi
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: ★MagicSprinkle★ - Jordan Meyer . / [PH]TemperDRFT - I don't know ingame name.
His/Her SteamID: [PH]TemperDRFT - STEAM_0:1:47404408 / ★MagicSprinkle★ - STEAM_0:1:73384381
Reason: Disconnecting during raiding , lying in ooc, fail RP-ing
Well this is fail ban request, If any admins want my demo or my part of the story feel free to contact me in-game
Me and Mikey tried to solve the case, but they claim nobody disconnected. So it would be better if they both uploaded demo's.
Case closed! //close

Reason: You went back to the wrong house. And you also broke a rule. 3.18 storage and trunks you cannot put any objects in storage or trunk while in danger! We are free to go the end! Damn i should be a lawyer.
Ban request denied!

Reason: I saw your ''video''. You failed. You parked you're car and went in to our house top floor came down stairs killed my friend, killed me took my meth went to your car put your (My Meth) inside trunk (Rule 3.18: storage and trunks you cannot put any objects in storage or trunk while in danger!) And then you went back to our house (Which you thought, but you actually went inside the wrong house which nobody owned, and you thought it was our house but our house was in the middle you went to the house on the right. You failed. Case closed, end of story! //Closed.
michael;n18882 said:
Your Steam/In-game Name: Michael Scofield / Michael Abruzzi
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: ★MagicSprinkle★ - Jordan Meyer . / [PH]TemperDRFT - I don't know ingame name.
His/Her SteamID: [PH]TemperDRFT - STEAM_0:1:47404408 / ★MagicSprinkle★ - STEAM_0:1:73384381
Reason: Disconnecting during raiding , lying in ooc, fail RP-ing

Michael I have watched your demo, and there are a few things I noticed.

-First, it clearly looks like you went to the bank to see what houses were owned so that you could raid them. And this in my point of view is big time fail RP, bordering on meta gaming.
-Secondly, you drive like you don't give a damn, running red lights and driving on the sidewalk.
-Thirdly, you raided house 2, but after putting the raid spoils in the car, you went into the wrong house..

I see no reason what so ever to ban these guy, since they did not break one single rule, while you on the other hand did.

/ Closed
Martin Johansen said:
Ban request denied!

Reason: I saw your ''video''. You failed. You parked you're car and went in to our house top floor came down stairs killed my friend, killed me took my meth went to your car put your (My Meth) inside trunk (Rule 3.18: storage and trunks you cannot put any objects in storage or trunk while in danger!) And then you went back to our house (Which you thought, but you actually went inside the wrong house which nobody owned, and you thought it was our house but our house was in the middle you went to the house on the right. You failed. Case closed, end of story! //Closed.
Stop saying "Ban request denied" and "//Closed". You are Not a staff member and therefore have no say in that.
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