Ban Request - Gary Belinsky

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Leeds, England.
Your Steam/In-game Name: AyJay

His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Gary Belinsky

His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:75742188

Why Should This Player Be Punished:
Well, due to him being annoying with his organisation I had enough with him so me, Lewis, and Aaron decided to mug him in his base and leave the organisation. We discussed all of this via texting in-game, and upon us starting to mug him I said to him (so did Lewis) "Drop Everything You Have Got". He decided to just stand there, so I started counting down from 10 until I shot him for him to drop his stuff. He decided not to, in order to preserve his drugs, money and items

Evidence (Demo Required):

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As D3V stated in a comment, Aaron has a tendency to joke around with these kind of things... *Cough* Social Experiments *Cough*

And the way D3V said "I will break your fucking legs you purple punk" it kinda seems to me as if he also thought it was a joke

But he did break FearRP since he didnt drop he's items.

Anyway, i will have to stay Neutral on this one(leaning mostly towards a +Support)


After looking at the video a second time, i Will give This a +Suppport
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United Kingdom
I don't believe i was breaking fear RP as my org we joke around a lot and we have problems not always on this scale but i thought it was a huge joke. It didn't seem serious as it was ayjay and he rarely takes things seriously especially around me always having a joke so i thought when he counted down to 0 he was gonna shout its a prank or aaron was gonna come out and shout SOCIAL EXPERIMENT. it would not make any sense for my org members to kill or mug me inside our own base. honestly i feel this is just ayjays way of trying to have my org disbanded.
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User has clearly broke 3.4, 3.6, etc.

Question: If though you thought they were joking you still should have dropped all of your items. William/Eddie Stallone always mugs me as a joke and I still drop everything then he gives me items in return ;).

What I'm trying to say is that even if you think they're joking it's still apart of the Serious RP and rules apply to all situations.

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Your nans house
For the people who are gonna be narrow minded about this.

The people involved often joke about, especially Aaron. It's easy to get it mixed up whether they're joking or not when they're MEANT to be your friends. It's a simple mistake,

Gary is an ex-enforcer - I believe that he wouldn't break these rules on purpose, I've never ever saw him break a rule and if he thought the situation was serious he'd definitely of dropped his things.

I'd also like to question why he wasn't dealt with when it happened as there was a moderator there?
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This BR is complete nonsense. You all were in the same organization. You all joke around on a regular basis just like shown in this video. It was further completely justified for him to think that it was a joke as well since you were laughing while telling him to drop his stuff. So if you really want to do this then you should realize that you either failed by killing him even though it was a joke or completely failing to make it look serious.
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Compton, California, United States

User has clearly broke 3.4, 3.6, etc.

Question: If though you thought they were joking you still should have dropped all of your items. William/Eddie Stallone always mugs me as a joke and I still drop everything then he gives me items in return ;).

What I'm trying to say is that even if you think they're joking it's still apart of the Serious RP and rules apply to all situations.

On Phone, last time i mugged aquaa i EVEN got walker to check him, then in the end it was all a joke and i gave the items back and we laughed about it

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The only thing that bugs me is the reason was "due to him being annoying with his organisation" I mean. Instead of talking him like org member should, You kinda decided to jump the gun and mug him? For that reason alone? I'm not saying that It justifies him Breaking rules (Which Is questionable on it's own if he did or not). But I am saying that It seems tittle to far for him being annoying. Mostly because there was literally zero decision making. It was just text and no thought.

I like you both. You are both great role players. and Instead of making a Br maybe you should both talk it out first. Your choice.


Will decide later but considering you're in the same org wouldn't it be better to actually try and make up in steam chat


Update: @D3V - care to explain why you didn't drop your stuff?


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Leeds, England.
This BR is complete nonsense. You all were in the same organization. You all joke around on a regular basis just like shown in this video. It was further completely justified for him to think that it was a joke as well since you were laughing while telling him to drop his stuff. So if you really want to do this then you should realize that you either failed by killing him even though it was a joke or completely failing to make it look serious.

First off, you be quiet - You're not an Administrator Fredy, infact you barely know the rules. Your opinion to me does not count, yeah you can have one; but you know absolutley nothing about the situation infact I doubt you even watched the video. Stop trying to make people follow your trend and going in the opposite direction to what I want just to annoy me.

D3V got mugged, it's that simple - Whenever I've pointed guns at him before, he's either pointed a gun back at me or told me to "fuck off" and walked away. Me, Lewis and Aaron all talked via texting and decided we should start a new organisation due to the fact the organisation we were in which Gary (D3V) led was absolutley rubbish and he'd just kicked Aaron from the organisation eitherway and was about to kick Lewis. We didn't like him, or him as a Leader therefore we decided it would be best if we left, but left in style. We decided to mug him, upon starting the mug Lewis pointed a gun at D3V and Aaron pointed a gun at Alex Fisher (another organisation member) D3V saw this in clear sight, so if we were pointing a gun at Alex aswell? Surely he must of thought it was real? I told him to drop all his stuff several times, and so did Lewis - He did nothing and just stood there so I started counting down from 10 to zero warning him that I would end his life if he didn't drop anything. He did nothing, he didn't say "fuck off" like he usually would, he didn't walk away, take out his gun, he didn't even move.. he simply stood there - Stubborn. Due to the fact he didn't want to loose the drugs, or items, or money he had on his person.

Sure, it's easy to say "I didn't think they were being serious" but why does that even matter? He still broke rules regardless, he's using this little gateway as some sort of excuse for his actions of not dropping his items. He even tried to say I was breaking rules at the start of this:


Oh, and Liam? He's an Ex-Enforcer? Well, I'm an ex-administrator and Lewis? Well, he's a current Moderator. A rank that D3V didn't get to, didn't experience and didn't even care about.

He knew this was serious, and he knows that; yeah he can lie - Rule breakers usually do.
Thank you for reading this Matt, and I hope you come to a good decision at the end of this.



You guys are always joking around and you guys were laughing while mugging him which to me would be clearly you guys kidding with me. How was @D3V suppose to you know you were seriously mugging him? Also, why not take his items with a /me? In my view I wouldn't know if you were joking or being serous not only because you guys were laughing while attempting to mug me or because you always joke around.

Also, it's funny that we were on teamspeak having a blast last night and now it's a all out war.
This community. :vomit:
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Even I would have thought it was a joke.
You were all in the same org LAUGHING while mugging him. Gary obviously thought it was a joke as these kinda jokes happen everyday in C+ org.

Also ayjay why are you complaining about Fredy not being an adminstrator and therefore hes opinion doesn't matter? He is still a human and his opinion has a point.

I feel like this ban request is useless and that ayjay is making this just because he doesn't like gary.
Even Ayjay somewhere deep inside knows that it's pointless.

Please stop the war against this community.
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United Kingdom
- Support for me.

If you didn't laugh half way through the video whilst mugging him then I would have "+ supported" but ideally when your mugging someone you don't really want Aaron there or to be laughing.



I had a long hard think about it last night and realised you should of just used LOOC to convey and inform him you were not joking, he admits and I agree that it may of been seen as a joke.

Like I said, next time please just use LOOC and then I can actually do something about it.

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