Ban Request Hemulisiss

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Your Steam/In-game Name: [PH] Syñátéc IV ツ/ Faith Davidson

His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Hemulisiss (or something) / ....... Gambini

His/Her SteamID: I don't know his correct Steam Name. I forgot it...

Why Should This Player Be Punished: They hostaged me before, and gunpointed me before. They also wanted to kill me, so I decide to kill them. I walk up and I run into 1 of them, I pull out my Supressed Beretta so no one can hear the one shot, but he decides to pull his gun and I need to fire multiple shots, his friend shows up and shoots me.

Evidence (Demo Required):
YouTube video for lazy people:

His friend shooting you is fine as you had just killed his friend and you also had a shotgun on your back. However the person you killed did break 3.4 (I think). Also did they kill you before this situation?
I'm not sure... it was kind of a quick draw from the guy you shot... I think a demo from his perspective would help settle if he broke 3.4 or not.

The person at the start broke 3.4. He took out his gun when you had yours out. This put his own life at risk. He should of followed gunpoint. It was clear that you had your gun out first and pointed it. Instead of putting his away again he brought it out. In a clear attempt to kill you.

You did use a silenced beretta but sound can still be heard For example: The splash from the bullets and the body dropping and the actual sound the silenced gun makes apron firing the bullet. The beretta is not completely silenced. It's meant to be silenced for medium range. Shooting at a close range beside someone can still be heard. It would be debatable if the guy could hear you inside his apartment with a closed door however. He came down and seen his friend dead so I think that's fine.
To be honest, I think he panicked and took his weapon out just as the same time as Synatec (bit late though).
Obviously, he broke 3.4 as when you got your gun out he did. I +Support this BR...
-In the middle+
Yes the guy did pull a gun out at gun point, but it was a quick draw like @NamesInsane and @TheFrozenMonkeyKing Said. But you state "I pull out my Supressed Beretta so no one can hear the one shot". if he knew that you were going to kill him then I guess he would be following 3.6 Stay alive. But I really do think you pulled around about the same time.
His gun was out and actually was aiming at him by the time he pulled out his gun. He should've been quicker on pulling out his gun. But anyway that doesn't necessarily matter.

As soon as synatec pulled the gun out into passive he should've complied realistically. Due to the fact he only has to move his arm upwards where as Hemu has to move his arm to his back pocket and pull out the gun and by this time he would've been shot.

As others have stated the guy had a reason to kill you as you murdered his mate. Therefore he didn't do anything wrong.

Anywho I agree with the ban request.
+SUPPORT the first guy clearly broke 3.4 also,as Synatec gunpointed him before the other guy took the gun out and also maybe that because of that he died after that by the other guy but he didnt broke any rule.
After reviewing this, I've came to a conclusion that the user has broken 3.4 by pulling a gun out to attempt to take you out which has completely failed and resulted in his own death, as quoted here;
If a player was to rob the bank and fail, leading to their death, that player would be expected to demonstrate to an administrator that they had a realistic and reasonable plan and/or mind-set to succeed.

Therefore, the user has been banned from the server for a total of 7 days (1 Week), as the user has had previous warnings for this before and has had 3 consecutive bans in the last 3 months.

The items you lost were completely legit; not much I can do about that.

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