Ban request Jazz Smith and Fraser Roberts.

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Your Steam/In-game Name: DriftkinG. IGN: Stephano Johansen
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Jazz IGN: jazz smith and RainbowDashRules IGN: Fraser Roberts.
His/Her SteamID: Jazz: STEAM_0:1:59636157 RainbowDashRules: STEAM_0:1:66659287
Reason: the Demo/video says enough I think. They were metagaming and Failrp-ing, and in my opinion, Jazz RDM'ed me because he killed me after his mug which I co-operated to. I know: Somewhere I say IC: Show me. But I was like: I don't care because they were f****** it up already really bad. The money part: I had no money, since I was aware of the war between The Outlaws and The Skulls I was prepared for a mug so I did not carry any money. (funny that he tries to tell me what the rules are when he doesn't understand them himself though) before this happened, I tried to get to my friend, he said he was in trouble and I was trying to get to him, but these two guys were constantly standing in front of me not letting me pass, they ruined RP for me. if you would like to see that I can post a video of that too.
Evidence: Don't mind the background noise, I was not aware of the fact that Fraps was recording my microphone. This is a recording of my DEMO, so I don't want any comments saying: Is that WhatsApp on the background? are you metagaming yourself? No. I was chatting with someone who doesn't even know of the existance of the game.


what are they doing thet doe /me searches for money then they rolled 11 and you rolled 29 and then he sais that roll means you wont die. and at the last part they kill you that makes no sence bro!
draftking said:
what are they doing thet doe /me searches for money then they rolled 11 and you rolled 29 and then he sais that roll means you wont die. and at the last part they kill you that makes no sence bro!
I don't know but |please work on your English| it's hard to understand all of your posts!
If they told you to get out the car with weapons, they're breaking 6.4; they have to take NPCs into account. They also somehow knew you were part of your gang. You also gave items and won the role, they had no reason to kill you. + support.
AS the same message above. +support. They already searched you and they lost and they did it again. And then Jazz just said ./money in the IC chat. I have also heard that if you drop something good, and they took it. The mug will be accepted and they can not kill you.
Puma123 said:
AS the same message above. +support. They already searched you and they lost and they did it again. And then Jazz just said ./money in the IC chat. I have also heard that if you drop something good, and they took it. The mug will be accepted and they can not kill you.
You are right, they killed me because I am member of The Outlaws. which they found out by metagaming. I gave them a chance to make up for their mistakes by asking: show me ( sorry for mixing up the IC and OOC but they were wrong since the beginning of the mug) too bad that people can mess up this good...
+support I agree with Senlin. It was a total RDM there. You gave them items but not money. Nothing more to say.
SenlinGames said:
If they told you to get out the car with weapons, they're breaking 6.4; they have to take NPCs into account. They also somehow knew you were part of your gang. You also gave items and won the role, they had no reason to kill you. + support.
They did pointed a gun at me. Good of you that you noticed that! I haven't even thought of it! They pointed a handgun on me downstairs and one of them was pointing with a Mac-11. The fact that I almost ran over him, was because I accidentally pressed the right mouse button (cruise control) I mention this because it might be asked by a feature poster. it was an honest mistake that I clicked that button I never use cruise control. (just justify myself) thanks for the support and puma also thanks!
+support I agree with SenlinGames, nothing more to say. The video is clear and shows us everything.
Redbully14 said:
+support I agree with Senlin. It was a total RDM there. You gave them items but not money. Nothing more to say.
Yeah that's because I honestly had no money on me. We rolled 2 times about that, once with jazz, and once with Fraser. Jazz I won, but Fraser I lost, but I can't give them money when I don't have it on me. I would be breaking rules then. but I get mugged quite a lot so I know the drill.
On another case jazz smith i told him to pull over he then broke his car and i told an admin he broke vehicle damage rule forgot number he then said just ban me then.
draftking said:
+support agree with puma123 and senlingames.
And you are hungry on getting comments on any post mitch.
I already warned senlingames and i doubt that you even read the post.
Stop doing it. Please
[PH]Chicken said:
On another case jazz smith i told him to pull over he then broke his car and i told an admin he broke vehicle damage rule forgot number he then said just ban me then.
Rule 3.15.
[PH]Chicken said:
On another case jazz smith i told him to pull over he then broke his car and i told an admin he broke vehicle damage rule forgot number he then said just ban me then.
thanks SenlinGames. I did not quite get that post. I am looking up the rule!
Thanks all for your supports! I really appreciate it! I made it as easy as I could for you all to see what happened.
If someone wants to ask: why is Fraser Roberts (RainbowDashRules) also requested? he did not say anything? that's why. he did not say at any point: wait... this is wrong. indicating that he doesn't know the rules either.
I want to be as clear as I can about every action I make.
Again thanks for the supports all!
SenlinGames;n24760 said:
If they told you to get out the car with weapons, they're breaking 6.4; they have to take NPCs into account. They also somehow knew you were part of your gang. You also gave items and won the role, they had no reason to kill you. + support.

At no point could the NPC see me or even see me pointing a gun at you. The items he gave me didn't even add up to $800 which isn't worth the risk of having the cops chase us for the rest of our lifes.
Yes i knew what gang he was in but i came up with a reasonable RP reason why i knew and since we are a sneaky gang having a rat in the PD is possible
Puma123;n24763 said:
AS the same message above. +support. They already searched you and they lost and they did it again. And then Jazz just said ./money in the IC chat. I have also heard that if you drop something good, and they took it. The mug will be accepted and they can not kill you.

Valuable? He barely dropped $800 so the mug wasn't accepted. The ./money bit was added on to the anything valuable bit so i don't see that has anything to do with anything? The first roll was wether he was lieing or not,i understand it wasn't the clearest since my typing was quick due to the pressure. The roll after that decided wether he would die.
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