Ban request Jazz Smith and Fraser Roberts.

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Redbully14;n24773 said:
+support I agree with Senlin. It was a total RDM there. You gave them items but not money. Nothing more to say.

He didn't give us enough items. It was nothing successful and we could have made that in 2 minutes in game. So the mugigng wasn't complete.
[PH said:
Chicken;n24795]On another case jazz smith i told him to pull over he then broke his car and i told an admin he broke vehicle damage rule forgot number he then said just ban me then.

This has already been handled with but sorry again.
If you can acuse me of anything it would be metagaming as i'm not sure if i can RP a reason for it now.
Jazz said:
If you can acuse me of anything it would be metagaming as i'm not sure if i can RP a reason for it now.
That does not give you reason to break the rules as well. I am not my friend. post a ban request if you want but that has nothing to do with you breaking the rules


Jazz said:
If you can acuse me of anything it would be metagaming as i'm not sure if i can RP a reason for it now.
If you read my posts above i think you find i broke no rules.
Jazz said:
SenlinGames;n24760 said:
If they told you to get out the car with weapons, they're breaking 6.4; they have to take NPCs into account. They also somehow knew you were part of your gang. You also gave items and won the role, they had no reason to kill you. + support.

At no point could the NPC see me or even see me pointing a gun at you. The items he gave me didn't even add up to $800 which isn't worth the risk of having the cops chase us for the rest of our lifes.
Yes i knew what gang he was in but i came up with a reasonable RP reason why i knew and since we are a sneaky gang having a rat in the PD is possible
You said that in LOOC, I tried to give you a chance to make up for your mistakes by saying: show me. And then I waited for you to type /me shows him the picture. /roll
Just admit that this was wrong. just like the whole mug.
Jazz said:
SenlinGames;n24760 said:
If they told you to get out the car with weapons, they're breaking 6.4; they have to take NPCs into account. They also somehow knew you were part of your gang. You also gave items and won the role, they had no reason to kill you. + support.

At no point could the NPC see me or even see me pointing a gun at you. The items he gave me didn't even add up to $800 which isn't worth the risk of having the cops chase us for the rest of our lifes.
Yes i knew what gang he was in but i came up with a reasonable RP reason why i knew and since we are a sneaky gang having a rat in the PD is possible
Why would I need to show you? What would that achieve? I didnt have to roll since you were at gun point so you would not be able to get me to show you them
Jazz said:
SenlinGames;n24760 said:
If they told you to get out the car with weapons, they're breaking 6.4; they have to take NPCs into account. They also somehow knew you were part of your gang. You also gave items and won the role, they had no reason to kill you. + support.

At no point could the NPC see me or even see me pointing a gun at you. The items he gave me didn't even add up to $800 which isn't worth the risk of having the cops chase us for the rest of our lifes.
Yes i knew what gang he was in but i came up with a reasonable RP reason why i knew and since we are a sneaky gang having a rat in the PD is possible
Like I said I type quickly when doing stuff like that so I'm sorry for the mis understanding. Its meant for IC
Jazz, at the end you say: yes you co-operated but we are at war. this makes your reason to kill me for being at war but you do not know me!
Jazz said:
SenlinGames;n24760 said:
If they told you to get out the car with weapons, they're breaking 6.4; they have to take NPCs into account. They also somehow knew you were part of your gang. You also gave items and won the role, they had no reason to kill you. + support.

At no point could the NPC see me or even see me pointing a gun at you. The items he gave me didn't even add up to $800 which isn't worth the risk of having the cops chase us for the rest of our lifes.
Yes i knew what gang he was in but i came up with a reasonable RP reason why i knew and since we are a sneaky gang having a rat in the PD is possible
Then you should have reacted to my 'show me' message. The proper way to RP that is: /me shows the picture. /roll (If I win, I am not on the photo, and if you won, I would have been on the photo and you had a valid reason to kill me.) if you type quickly, then it would be more likely that you said something in IC which was meant for LOOC, since just pressing 'y' and type IC is shorter than pressing 'y', then type /looc and then your message. you had to show me to prove that I am a member of The Outlaws. It would've achieved that you did not RDM'ed me. your friend Fraser also could've shown it, because there were 2 people that were keeping me on gunpoint. For your misunderstanding apology: you also could have said that after you killed me in the Looc. if the cops came then you could RP your way out of that by saying we found this guy and we were calling the police. but you did not do that either. long story short: Your argument is invalid.

Kind regards,

Jazz said:
SenlinGames;n24760 said:
If they told you to get out the car with weapons, they're breaking 6.4; they have to take NPCs into account. They also somehow knew you were part of your gang. You also gave items and won the role, they had no reason to kill you. + support.

At no point could the NPC see me or even see me pointing a gun at you. The items he gave me didn't even add up to $800 which isn't worth the risk of having the cops chase us for the rest of our lifes.
Yes i knew what gang he was in but i came up with a reasonable RP reason why i knew and since we are a sneaky gang having a rat in the PD is possible
FYI pressing 'u' brings up LOOC and no cops did turn up so why does that mattter? I still had reasons to kill you and didn't have to show you the pictures.
Jazz said:
Yes, however i explained how i knew you.
Ehm. you made up an entire roleplay situation as far as i got told about the ''rat in the pd'' but when he actually asked you to show the pictures (and make the story valid) you shot him so its still a bit... meeh...
Jazz said:
If you can acuse me of anything it would be metagaming as i'm not sure if i can RP a reason for it now.
Why are you editing your comments.
Jazz said:
Yes, however i explained how i knew you.
I know its a bit... meeh.. but i didnt have to show him or anything. If im not allowed to make an RP reason up for metagaming then the ban request shud be about that as everything else i have explained.
Jazz said:
If you can acuse me of anything it would be metagaming as i'm not sure if i can RP a reason for it now.
@shortyzz: because he knows he is wrong. I am just going to wait for an Admin to take care of this.

You could've also set the story straight right after the mugging in the ooc, but you did not do that either. Just shows that you are lying right now.


Everything was straight. Didn't realise you mis understood it untill now, so why would i correct myself after the event? Havn't even spoke to you sinec then so i've had no idea you mis understood.
Jazz said:
If you can acuse me of anything it would be metagaming as i'm not sure if i can RP a reason for it now.
I editted this one. Since it had nothing to do with anything and didn't need to confuse matters.
Jazz said:
SenlinGames;n24760 said:
If they told you to get out the car with weapons, they're breaking 6.4; they have to take NPCs into account. They also somehow knew you were part of your gang. You also gave items and won the role, they had no reason to kill you. + support.

At no point could the NPC see me or even see me pointing a gun at you. The items he gave me didn't even add up to $800 which isn't worth the risk of having the cops chase us for the rest of our lifes.
Yes i knew what gang he was in but i came up with a reasonable RP reason why i knew and since we are a sneaky gang having a rat in the PD is possible
Asspulling "rats" in the PD is considered as metagaming. In Roleplay you can't just go around I say "We have a rat in the PD", you only can RP it, IF you REALLY have an actual rat in the PD. And even then, how would he know that Bonz000 is in this particular gang? In the US the police has lists of gang members, etc, yes. But this is the job of the Anti-Gang Units, and Federal Agencies, and not the job of some little Police Department. They could get it on request, what's very unlikely.

"$800 which isn't worth the risk of having the cops chase us" So you kill him, and make it even worse? It would be a murder case, and several police institutions would kick in, and investigate after you. I don't know what the rate if the US is, but in Germany 98% of all murder cases get solved, so this would be a pretty dumb step, if you don't want the cops after you.
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