Ban Request Luke Person/Luke

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Your Steam/In-game Name: Bullyreece/Ross Davidson

His/Her Steam/In-game Name:
Luke Person/Luke

His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:7218412

Why Should This Player Be Punished:
Essentially he killed me whilst I was AFK sitting outside P.D due to me mugging his friend earlier. I acknowledge that this is a valid reason to kill a person and that I should've not been AFK in the first place. However this is blatant breaking of 2.1, 3.4 and 6.3 as the gatekeeper would have not only heard silenced rounds being shot but would've also seen a man with a gun shooting at a car. He is also risking imprisonment for a poorly thought out revenge.

The gatekeeper of course would have instantly called this in, thus alerting the police force and SWAT team causing them to instantly swarm around him. (Being on PERP early in the morning doesn't justify a rule like this to be broken, realistically speaking there'd be a multitude of police and SWAT at anytime anyway). This would've made the whole revenge plot void due to the fact he would be slammed with a prison sentence for murder in the first degree.

Now I do acknowledge that a silenced pistol was used, however in the demo it can clearly be seen that he shot my car first, causing a large amount of noise which would lead to the police force investigating anyway.

I was also notified by Ash that Luke didn't flee the scene instantly nor take the gatekeeper into account, this of course is an extremely unrealistic action as if you was to commit a crime like this, you'd want to flee instantly to avoid any consequences.

Let's also take into account that even a suppressed weapon isn't completely silent and can be heard anyway. If we'd be in the underpass then say no more. However outside a police station a suppressed weapon being fired would be heard. Which would once again lead to an investigation.

Edit: I've just noticed that there are windows that overlook the parking area, so officers in their office's would've also seen the situation unfold.

Evidence (Demo Required):

Around 16500
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I've witnessed Luke person breaking several laws as police Lt especially verbal abuse. Not long ago he publicly executed me while I was cuffed on the highway, after being revived he almost killed me again in the pd elevator because I did not crouch.. I yelled in mic that I was trying to type instead of using the mic because he was screaming and being really loud. When I told him I can't type while crouching he start beating me with the baton and told me I was being hostile and resisting. (It's not possible to crouch when typing)

Big support!
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Don't forget City hall NPC's and the mayors office (If there was a mayor at the time)

Nonetheless if he said to you "onion knees" then I am going to have to -Support this but if he didn't then +support. jk

I thank you for creating this ban request and so far it looks completely valid (I still have yet to check the demo, basing my judgement on what you have written for the moment). I would like it if @Luke could respond to this ban request with his insight on the situation.

I was there at the time of the incident, and at no point did Luke break 2.1 or 3.4 - however 6.3 may have been broken but the time it occurred may consider this rule to be not broken. As I can re-call (I'll have to check because I'm not entirely sure) it was quite dark, and the PD area isn't that lit up considering it's a city. There could've been a chance where the NPC couldn't see it, and I doubt she could've heard the shots considering the booth she sits in looks rather air tight with no obvious sign of ventilation which would allow for some sort of sound to pass through it.
After you were shot, you were dragged away to a deep and dark location by Gary I believe.
I was there at the time of the incident, and at no point did Luke break 2.1 or 3.4 - however 6.3 may have been broken but the time it occurred may consider this rule to be not broken. As I can re-call (I'll have to check because I'm not entirely sure) it was quite dark, and the PD area isn't that lit up considering it's a city. There could've been a chance where the NPC couldn't see it, and I doubt she could've heard the shots considering the booth she sits in looks rather air tight with no obvious sign of ventilation which would allow for some sort of sound to pass through it.
After you were shot, you were dragged away to a deep and dark location by Gary I believe.
Start shooting outside the PD is a breakage of 2.1 and 3.4 especially if there is swat.

EDIT: it is 3.4 because I got warned and banned for doing the same thing.
Just saying but the sound could be amplified by the glass surface as glass is a non absorbant brittle material ;)
+Support Luke should receive a ban. He demoted me for no reason and then arrested me saying I shot the sky and said pew pew. When I was trying to kill people that were attacking the Paralake PD.
Request Denied

First off realistically Luke would have just shot into the car as it is open-top and that would have been that but due to the way the game works he had to first shoot the car several times before he could shoot you. Secondly he appears to finish you and run off immediately after and it is only ten seconds from when the first shot is fired to you being finished off and him running away so there would have been little time for the police to react. The only police officer that would have seen anything happen is the NPC in the gatehouse who realistically would have seen almost nothing as I described In the first sentence and quoting from 6.3 directly "NPCs must be treated as regular players" which Luke did in this situation.
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