Ban Request - New fail RPer

  • Thread starter Thread starter BillySavery
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Your Steam/In-game Name: BillySavery/Billy Belinksy

His/Her Steam/In-game Name: xDAWNSHOTx/DawnShot

His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:15099332

Reason: Fail rper, this happened real late into the demo, I am guessing around 80k ticks, I mugged some new guy, he didn't drop the 25k he said he had, he broke about 5-6 rules,(Racist remarks,fail rp, randomly punching things,metagaming) clearly had no intentions of playing properly, I followed him for ages until he found an atm and put all his money into his account, I put like two reports in, the server wasn't busy and the admins clearly couldn't be bothered, I confronted an admin finally and he told me to go to the forums, this is a joke considering I am just playing fairly and trying to earn money and you get little fail RPers who obviously don't read the rule book. I hope I can get my 25k out of this and he gets banned as this was highly unfair on my behalf. P.s I am helping to the best of my abilities as my gmod doesn't load demos properly and it is real late and I am tired

I came back online to see if he was still online to find out his name, for when I bumped into him, he was telling me and I quote "I am an asshole, I have no life or friends and I should go fuck my grandmother, little boy"
I mentioned to him that I reported him to which he replied "I don't give a fuck about your report"
I can get a demo for the above reports if needed

Evidence: The demo posted
What can I say.....pretty inmature that guy and when no one responds to your reports it could be that the staff team is in a RP sit, please keep that in mind. I hope that you recieve your money and much luck
If he really did all those things you said its definatly a +Support for me


BillySavery;n35090 said:
I mugged some new guy, he didn't drop the 25k he said he had.

Its kinda sad and unfair to mug newspawns, since they just joined the game with all theyre money they have on them. Give them a chance to read the rules and put theyre money into an ATM


BillySavery;n35090 said:
The server wasn't busy and the admins clearly couldn't be bothered

The admins/mods spend ¾ of they're time reading through reports and dealing with each single one of them. Sometimes they just want to RP themself instead of doing reports 24/7 from when they get online to when they go offline again.
JarredInator said:
If he really did all those things you said its definatly a +Support for me


BillySavery;n35090 said:
I mugged some new guy, he didn't drop the 25k he said he had.

Its kinda sad and unfair to mug newspawns, since they just joined the game with all theyre money they have on them. Give them a chance to read the rules and put theyre money into an ATM


BillySavery;n35090 said:
The server wasn't busy and the admins clearly couldn't be bothered

The admins/mods spend ¾ of they're time reading through reports and dealing with each single one of them. Sometimes they just want to RP themself instead of doing reports 24/7 from when they get online to when they go offline again.
well there are alot of new people that had time to putt it on the bank but stay walking with the money for days.
and if you look it from the RP side if you just joined the server yoiu should give them time to do al these things 1: you cant know they just joined(not always) 2: when youre new in an city in RL and someone is gonna mug you would he stop mugging when you say om new in town? nope.
JarredInator said:
If he really did all those things you said its definatly a +Support for me


BillySavery;n35090 said:
I mugged some new guy, he didn't drop the 25k he said he had.

Its kinda sad and unfair to mug newspawns, since they just joined the game with all theyre money they have on them. Give them a chance to read the rules and put theyre money into an ATM


BillySavery;n35090 said:
The server wasn't busy and the admins clearly couldn't be bothered

The admins/mods spend ¾ of they're time reading through reports and dealing with each single one of them. Sometimes they just want to RP themself instead of doing reports 24/7 from when they get online to when they go offline again.
Although mugging new players is allowed, The staff team highly recommend that you leave them to learn the rules and enjoy the server. Mugging a new players mostly ends with them getting angry and leaving forever. If you really want to mug a new person I would say only take like 10k from them.
The Real Black Jesus said:
You do know max mug limit is 5K. Nice
I dont mug people, dont get so aggressive. I was calmy telling you it has changed. Nice
Yeah fair enough he was new but I didn't know that, I just see him punching someone at city hall so I just assumed he was a scrub and easy to fool so I mugged him, only when he told me he was new, I would have taken less but he continued to break rules and I told him about loads of rules and when I came back online to get his username, he was still breaking rules, so I don't think he deserves to be on the server also, The Real Black Jesus, I mug people when I am low on money and that rule got removed! And so what if I do mug people it is RP server
Also, personally if someone is being racist in character whilst meta gaming at the same time, they should just instantly be a permanent ban, there isn't a place for racism.
The demo just cuts off and does not show anything that you said, you have 24 hours to upload a new demo showing what happened or this topic will be closed.
JarredInator;n35125 said:
If he really did all those things you said its definatly a +Support for me
But...Its kinda sad and unfair to mug newspawns, since they just joined the game with all theyre money they have on them. Give them a chance to read the rules and put theyre money into an ATMAnd

The problem is you cannot know how much money player are caring on the meaning that its impossible to know he had 25k on him.
That is the only demo that I have in my time period? And he told me he had 25k on him, I asked him how much he had.
If that is the only demo you have then this is denied, All your demo shows is you walking around for 2 minutes and nothing else...

Denied and closed. If you find a new demo make a new request.
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