Ban request on Brian Husky / Yolomuffin

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Your Steam/In-game Name: Lawrence Boii 2/ lawrence sim
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Yolomuffin / Brian Husky
Why Should This Player Be Punished: A forum post warrenting the ban for Richard and myself has already been posted ( Although I HIGHLY disagree with the thread as we are bieng punished for trying to kidnap ) BUT, the person who made a youtube video (
Evidence (Demo Required): If a demo would really be needed i will give it to you. But for now i made a youtube video (
) made such youtube video to give evidence of us breaking the rules. However, he has ALSO broken the rules. Not so long ago I was banned for refusing to comply in an RP situation, as I thought the situation was highly unrealistic and the situation was breaking the rules. I was banned by an admin for not complying in an RP situation. This video CLEARLY shows he is failrping, as he has a baseball bat at his head and a gun drawn, THOUGH IT WAS NOT in attacking stance, it was still in my hand. This means that he is breaking fear and failRP by running away with weapons present, and then also spamming his bind, as the video shows. I would like this player banned for breaking these rules. I think it is only fair that my friend is banned for such an absurd reason ( Might i add for 2 weeks ? ) that he is also punished and not let go for breaking the rules.

Evidence :

If he has a gun and you only have a bat, he is allowed to draw his gun as he is clearly able to fire at you easier than you hitting him with a bat. Also he was no where near you when he pulled the gun.

The user hasn't broken any rules in this incident and has perfectly played after the rules. Your actions however have been punished already.
I suggest you make a Ban Appeal.​
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