Ban Request on David Turner and Michael Hunter/"Stagecoach Bus Company"

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United Kingdom
Your Steam/In-game Name:Funny Little Man/Alan Dill
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: "Fluxx"/David Turner "Stagecoach Bus Company"/Michael Hunter
His/Her SteamID: "Stagecoach Bus Company"=STEAM_0:0:84791427 "Fluxx" =STEAM_0:1:50127100
Why Should This Player Be Punished: Fluxx broke 3.4 and 2.1 by not giving up to an arrest while being severely beaten, he then ran away after dumping a propane tank while I was searching him. and then broke 3.24, 3.5 and 1.1 by repeatedly saying that I was metagaming IC when I had him under arrest, he also insulted my intelligence several times, (OOC I would suppose) during the situation, as well as claiming that he died several times IC.

Stagecoach Bus Company then broke 2.1 and 3.3 as he let David Turner out of the PD as a cop while I was chasing him.
Evidence (Demo Required): 21-11-00.dem?dl=0

(Edit) The 1.1 infractions are in this demo: 21-38-49.dem?dl=0 . Thanks to Kawaii (Fluxx) for reminding me. My Gmod has started crashing when I try to play demos, but this one is pretty short and the interactions between Fluxx and I start pretty quickly, so a tick shouldn't be needed.

This is also my goodbye post, I have quite a few projects coming up, my parents think this game is giving me a power fantasy and even though people will say that I should grow a pair, I am still insulted enough OOC that I feel that this game just isn't for me and is changing my self image.

I want to thank the administration team and the senior players in this community for the good times I have had on the server, and I want to thank Fluxx for trying to tell me that 'collerate' is a real word while trying to insult me. I think you were looking for the word 'Correlate' matey.
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It would be a lot easier if you put the goodbye post into the goodbye section and the ban request in the ban request section...

Anyway, I can't watch the demo atm but if all this is true then quite a lengthy ban will be needed, I will update my post when I get the chance to do so :)

Edit: didn't even say bye xD cya mate! Had a great time being a bully to you and good luck in the future. I will miss your shit coloured car xD
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I'll have a watch of the demo when I get the PC fired up.

Everything is good in small doses (apart from heroine). Try and get on, but if all means manage your time, I always get addicted but school and study is priority. Hope to see you soon :) Matt
Thats good to know you
  • Cut out the parts of you breaking the rules
  • Made this look like a "goodbye" post to increase the chances of us being banned
We wouldn't have even been in the situation that you got us into if you didn't break rules in the first place and metagame to find out who i was. GG on your part for actually having hdd volume to store the data in, Its a shame that
  • I don't have any hdd space to store the recordings in
  • The other person you reported is IP banned.
Before you start commenting saying you should have called a admin
I did -- His name began with a M and he was a mod.. He came after you went off to "save" the ban request.

Oh also i called you a moron OOC right during a RP :facepalm:
Oh standing near a door is letting someone out is it now :facepalm:

gr8 lie m8 8/8

Also @Murtsley
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User has been temporarily banned for 2 weeks.
Blatent rule breakages; (3.4, 2.1 x2, 3.24 x100) clearly had no intentions to roleplay in this situation, ran away whilst searching etc.

(Stagecoach Bus Company)

User has been temporarily banned for 3 days.
Please inform me when you reconnect so that I can issue temporary blacklist on police job for 2 weeks.
User broke 4.3 through letting him out.
[Unknown forum username, please inbox it to me]

@Funny Little Seal Person, please check your inbox for further details.
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