Ban Request on Davis Miller

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Your Steam/In-game Name: [PH] JarredInator / Jarred Johnson
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: * / Davis Miller
His/Her SteamID: *
Reason: FailRP, pulling out a gun on me for a traffic ticket, he was in a car with 3 other people. We took the 3 other people to interogation when he became the lawyer of them. When i find out it was him who pulled a gun on me i handcuffed him, from there on he started making problems and started breaking 3.24, the futher we got into the rp he started to break 1.1 by calling me a kid and other insulting things. Very rude :'(
FailRP: 24.600, Clearly shows Davis Miller pulling a gun on me for a simple traffic ticket.
Also Chris Walton started breaking 3.24 massivly.

The interogation part starts at 56.000, you can watch the whole part but i will give you ticks for the "crucial" things he said.
1.: 58.800:
He dropped hes gun where he threated me with. on tick 24.600
2.: 68.700 kinda plot twist.
3.: 70.000 Davis breaking 3.24: "Get an admin over here i don't f*cking care anymore." After that keeps say: "Im getting admin here"
4.:83.700 Starting taking things OOC for no reason
5.:84.100 "I did that" confirming he did actually pull a gun on me
6.:88.700 Calling me a little kid because i'm laughing.
7.: 90.000 "I didn't pull a gun on you" Suddenly he changed mind and didn't pull a gun on me
7.: 91.600 "You can suck my big fucking dick." Talking in OOC since he didn't say "Back in IC now" or something in that lines.

* Unknown
I did hold Jarred at gunpoint cause i thought he was arresting Liza, once i realised i got back in the car. He broke 3.24 several times then went AFK.
Denied - No Steam name/ID is provided, if we ever see him in-game then it will be reopened.
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