Ban Request on Green_Wizzard (John Willis) 3.4 & possibly 2.1

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Deleted member 1235

Your Steam/In-game Name: The Duffy / Sam Duffy
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Green_Wizzard / John Willis
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:104531041
Why Should This Player Be Punished: Violated 3.4 When gun-pointed and cornered at glass co he decided to try and reverse. I was right in-front of him, he then attempts to run me down which is why I fired my gun. After his car is damaged and he gets out he refuses my orders to get on the ground and tries to run away whilst punching me. As for the 2.1, whether Michael Boyle (@Sdac2 ) can confirm this but it is highly unrealistic to randomly crash into cars repeatedly. (Based of the 911 call and radio report, however I can understand if there's lack of evidence for it 2.1)
Evidence (Demo Required):
Tick: 13649 - Reports by 911 and from Boyle of a car randomly crashing into others
14876 - Try to stop the car at glass co
15750 - Reverses whilst at direct gunpoint and ignores my orders to get out
16266 - End
+support: People that play like this makes experience of rping as a cop very annoying. Breaking the rp for anyone around them and just trolling.

*To start off, he clearly aimed for the LT as soon as he seen him. Changed his cars path to aim for him:
3.15 and again at 1:03 minutes in. The second time I don't think is a good enough reason to ram the Lt, He was only going to get a ticket if he co-operated. and his only way of exit was his car, running on foot with 2 officers with two working cars would not be a good bet.

* 1:45 minutes in: Was clearly gun pointed on a car with burst tires, He would of not had time to reverse away from the guns directional path breaking 3.4 doing so. and again when he tried to push the LT away with his car. forcing the lt to fire to save his own life.

* 2:04 - 2:18 : Once he was shot out of his car, he continued to fail to respond to gunpoint still breaking 3.4 before attempting to punch the Lt and speed enforcer under gunpoint, I believe that would be breaking
3.6 Simply because, He punched a LT with a gun in his hands, Luckily the Lt simply cuffed him, but the Lt would have had all rights to defend his own life by shooting or using his nightstick on the suspect.
Saw him ram 2 vehicles parked at bazaar and nearly ran someone over (From my point of view) Before that he was pushing my car and stopping at green lights and stopping infront of me on the highway, Clearly doesn't really care about smashing his car up risking his life breaking 3.4 and 3.15 multiple times.

I'm going to +SUPPORT! this Ban Request, He clearly broke 3.4, 3.3

He was gunpointed while he was in the car, He did not comply, Then his car got disabled, He then punch the officer within a clear gunpoint.
That red truck whoever it was at glassco, 3.15 much...

And clear rulebreaking + support

It was ninjacuffing to cuff someone while he was punching you...
I don't know if this guy is trolling or being an asshole he obviously broke rule 3.4 and 3.6 and 2.1 and 3.15 and and 3.3 if someone aimed a gun at me while i am in a car i'd get out fast and do as what they want but this guy is totally being an asshole he punched an officer while at real life the cops would of smoked him.

Although you should take into consideration 3.15 whenever you are driving the car, you crashed kinda hard into that edge when entering, the noise even indicated it was a hard hit.
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