Ban request on [PH] Frank

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Texas United States
Your Steam/In-game Name: Cole / Cole Rogerson
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Frank Sciberras
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:64536372
Why Should This Player Be Punished: User broke 1.1 Disrespectful Behaviour / [URL='']2.1 Play Realistically / [URL='']3.3 Realistic Actions /
3.24 In and out of character/
5.6 Hostage Taking. Furthermore, he hostaged me because of a misdemaenor ticket and killed for no reason at the end.

Evidence (Demo Required):!f8YmwLaZ!Lz4QWzmQxyoitZkq4_TLdfp9_KXlX1XrIyxr1bV66KQ
Unable to get (my gmod was bugged) its at the beginning , sorry for that.
I killed you for your friend running away and calling backup. It was not "Random" it was all your SE's fault. He shouldn't have ran away on gunpoint. I disrespected you because you wanted to search me with no evidence at all. I tried to play realistically as far is I could. And why would you give me a ticket? You were gonna search me for illegal stuff. When that was being discussed I messaged my friend to come and rescue me. 5.6 says
Players may only take other players hostage if it is absolutely necessary, for example if taking a hostage will
increase the chances of the player escaping the police. I was wanted in that case and I knew that if you searched me you would've found a beretta and some other illegal stuff. My friend rescued me in that case and we all went home happy. If you wish to ban me then its for no reason. You are posting a ban request for no reason and your even mistaking your actions. for the last time, why were you gonna give me a ticket? I tried to fool a guy to go to the allyway, is that a reason to give me a ticket? Nope, i dont think so. If you want we can discuss this during Perp in an admin situation as my friend is a witness to all of this. Oh and one last thing. Today you broke fearRP by knowing my name. You said we had IC situations, Police like. I never told you my name and yesterday I killed you for the police running away, Remember? I hope you tell all your story right and not lying about me only. As a witness there is John Sugavi, A well known player and an experienced one. Thanks for reading
[DOUBLEPOST=1426274250,1426264042][/DOUBLEPOST]You know, your not the only one that makes mistakes Luca, I do too. I DC'd from admin sit as I crashed from the server because of my internet. Chris gave me no chance to reconnect and then he banned me. I think and Im SURE that everyone here has a warn for maybe punching randomly, reading names from the top or DCing. Your not the only one that makes mistakes. You should really look at your own mistakes and not check my profile to see the bans for a reason.
Hi @Luca,

This will be investigated tonight.

Thank you for your patience.
Sugavi initiated the hostage situation over his friend being searched. This is a direct violation of rule 3.4 as it is disproportionate to risk your life over someone else's gun; he wasn't entirely sure yet at this point what the outcome would be and so acted too early. Even if he did have a beretta, he could have claimed that he was transporting it until the officer stopped him; the officer wouldn't be able to claim otherwise due to the fact that he had just arrived. I do not feel that Sugavi appropriately considered his actions in this situation and thus he will be receiving a ban.

Frank had killed you at the end of the situation unnecessarily and completely stalled the roleplay (rule 2.6 and 2.5) and therefore he will be given a ban also.

You both exacerbated your charges wildly simply over a search, and this is the reason that this request has been accepted.

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