Ban request on TheFrozenMonkeyKing

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Parts Unknown
Your Steam/In-game Name: Lifeordeath2
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: TheFrozenMonkeyKing
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:58034774
Why Should This Player Be Punished:
----- The BR is on the person recording this demo -----

  • "gun pointing a man over a ticket, means that you are breaking law 11.11 and thus breaking 4.1."
- Bullyreece

  • At around 1 minute, Lamb says "No you're the one breaking rules". This would imply that FrozenMonkey broke 3.24 by possibly saying he's breaking rules over voice chat.
Nice find Bullyreece :)
Jumps in front of car on demo also. - failrp
Evidence (Demo Required):
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The car is reversing when he jumps infront of it. Hardly fail RP. He obviously went infront of the car under the impression that tere was a Rule abiding player inside the car who should've got out. However he should have used other means to stop the person rather than resorting straight to a firearm.
As I said in the other thread in my opinion (bare that in mind), this violation is less severe than lamb's so I'd personally only warn him if I was dealing with requests. He did make an apology for doing this afterall.

But either way he does deserve a punishment and this was the best way to tackle it Lifeordeath2.

EDIT: Found a cheeky little thing happen. At around 1 minute, Lamb says "No you're the one breaking rules" in response to what FrozenMonkey says. This would imply that FrozenMonkey broke 3.24 by possibly saying he's breaking rules over voice chat. (This isn't concrete enough to be called evidence it's just something that may have been possible.)

^^ That's me being picky so yeah haha
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I never said "You're breaking rules" by the way. You don't have any evidence about me doing it, you only have evidence about him doing it, to be fair.
Both parts broke the rules.

@TheFrozenMonkeyKing did indeed break Law 11.11 (Therefore Rule 4.1) but the driver also breaks 3.4 wich he is not allwoed to EVEN THOUGH Frozen is breaking the rules too.

2.6 Reporting a Rule-Breaker- If it is believed that another player has broken a rule, the ‘/report’ function should be used to inform an Administrator. If a player(s) is in a role-play situation with another player(s) who has broken a rule, after the ‘/report’ function has been used, the former player(s) should continue the role-play situation as best as to their ability, and within the confines of the rules, until either it has ended and/or an Administrator intervenes.

Meaning that the driver shouldn't have taken it into his own hands and ignored the Gunpoint but Cooperated and do a report or a ban requests. Both parts did something wrong in this situation and both parts should be punished.
Let me quote myself: "(Sorry for the gunpoint, btw. I've seen a lot of cops do it when suspects enter their vehicles, so I thought we were allowed to GP them if they were entering their vehicles.)"
I atleast had a reason for my actions. His actions also had a reason, and I didn't know that when I made my BR. He probably thought I was gonna ticket him for no reason, allthough he was getting ticketed for 1.2, and then gunpointed for 8.8. Just like me, he probably thought I had no reason to do what I was doing.

My real question is why isn't he making this BR himself? Why are you doing it, Lifeordeath2, as you don't have anything to do with the situation? It looks like you are only his friend, that took a look at my BR, and want to avenge your friend, only basing your BR on my short video I provided for people that are too lazy to go through a demo.
Sorry But i think a 1-3 day ban is need for this as the player broke 2.1 you don't drive of under gunpoint, also you don't cause a problem of a ticket risking imprisonment which breaks 3.4 by him driving of he breaks 3.3 by driving of under gunpoint he is breaking 3.19, by doing all of this the driver broke 1.4, however i see some of you think the officer pulled his gun out and broke 11.11 which breaks 4.1 i disagree the officer next shot he simple gave the driver a warning the driver then drove and then return some time later the officer try the same thing again and the driver trys to force the officer out the way at this point i would of called for a backup and hold my ground, yes risky but as a cop you must be ready to take a risk this was a risk and in my thoughts it was worth it, i know some of you may disagree, i do not care. if the driver starter to push me when i was stood in the road i would open fire, attempting to disable to car, the cop didn't do anything wrong the driver was just a "prick"
Let me quote myself: "(Sorry for the gunpoint, btw. I've seen a lot of cops do it when suspects enter their vehicles, so I thought we were allowed to GP them if they were entering their vehicles.)"
I atleast had a reason for my actions. His actions also had a reason, and I didn't know that when I made my BR. He probably thought I was gonna ticket him for no reason, allthough he was getting ticketed for 1.2, and then gunpointed for 8.8. Just like me, he probably thought I had no reason to do what I was doing.

My real question is why isn't he making this BR himself? Why are you doing it, Lifeordeath2, as you don't have anything to do with the situation? It looks like you are only his friend, that took a look at my BR, and want to avenge your friend, only basing your BR on my short video I provided for people that are too lazy to go through a demo.
He forgot to log out on his alt acc.
Both parts broke the rules.

@TheFrozenMonkeyKing did indeed break Law 11.11 (Therefore Rule 4.1) but the driver also breaks 3.4 wich he is not allwoed to EVEN THOUGH Frozen is breaking the rules too.

2.6 Reporting a Rule-Breaker- If it is believed that another player has broken a rule, the ‘/report’ function should be used to inform an Administrator. If a player(s) is in a role-play situation with another player(s) who has broken a rule, after the ‘/report’ function has been used, the former player(s) should continue the role-play situation as best as to their ability, and within the confines of the rules, until either it has ended and/or an Administrator intervenes.

Meaning that the driver shouldn't have taken it into his own hands and ignored the Gunpoint but Cooperated and do a report or a ban requests. Both parts did something wrong in this situation and both parts should be punished.

What should of happened is the Player co-operated and made a report. Dosen't really matter anyway as I banned the little troll. As for whatever his name is: He's lucky he's already not banned for not informing us that this Fluxx was evading a permanent ban.


(Shish Kebab)
Denied / accepted-ish

User will be reciving a warning for 11.11, although @LAMB$ will also be given a warning for 3.19 and 3.4 in this case, even though he's banned he can be given a warning.
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