Ban request - Run from gunpoint - Shot unarmed

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Your Steam/In-game Name: Shen Yamaguchi/zeluxenn - chiyo Yamaguchi/hinge

His/Her Steam/In-game Name: bob abdullah - Lewis (can't see his last name) - And all the guys who was involved in the shooting in the last end of the video!

His/Her SteamID: I don't know their steamID, any help?

- Fleeing from gunpoint, they weren’t armed - Shooting us all after they robbed us. We were on unarmed, on the ground, and weren’t a thread to them in any way. - Possible meta gaming, as their friends arrived 2 seconds after, knowing everything that had happened. But what basicly the plan was that i would drop the 90k then he would drop the sniper, and then i would /yell NOW and then my friends would come out from the farm and do a mug, and get the 90k back. But as you see in the demo/youtube click they run of gunpoint and i don't get the money back. As if they didn't run from gunpoint i would have the money back.

From my screen - Shen Yamaguchi - Tick = 104330

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And from my freinds site, the guy with the shotgun. =70000

And about the metagaming, we are not saying they do meta, but if they could proff that they did call with the phone or anything since after 1 min when they ran away the people came.

And ben lockwood said after i passed away that if there was a gunpoint, then i could have got my money back, so he said i could make a refund request!
Your friend said : Stand right there, stop. Both of the guys turned around and ( bob abdullah and lewis robertson ) saw your gun. Then they both ran

So deffiantly + support for the bob abbdullah guy, he tried to get in the car while in clear view by the remington guy. After it failed he just ran away while you were about 5 meters away from him

neutral support about lewis, the guy with the remington weren't really focusing him and he had some decent cover from the car. Aswell as him being a moderator and yeah. Mods usually don't break rules
Thanks for the replay! but i have one disagree, in this situation i think that the admin should be sene as a normal person
zeluxenn said:
Thanks for the replay! but i have one disagree, in this situation i think that the admin should be sene as a normal person
but if Lewsis was in on it, dont you think he would have intervened?
And if i may add; Lewis had u under gun point during the whole trade, which made u breaking 3.4 by screaming now, he could have easly killed u.
@wombat's comment
He was running away in fear, since there was a remington guy running at him.
Mods/admins usually don't interupt rp sits, especially not when they're in it. And lewis was to scared to see what was going on :3
Griim R34per said:
And if i may add; Lewis had u under gun point during the whole trade, which made u breaking 3.4 by screaming now, he could have easly killed u.
Yes, but he only screamed NOWWWWW, which was not enough reason to shoot someone for. And when that remington guy came he had lewis way earlier under gunpoint.
zeluxenn said:
Thanks for the replay! but i have one disagree, in this situation i think that the admin should be sene as a normal person
Yes, mods/admins are normal persons. Only difference is that they can't break rules, because if they do and someone records it they will most likely get demoted.
And they don't want that
I am more concerned about you being on the phone while Lewis had you on gunpoint? In Real-Life he would of course see it, but you just decided to "abuse" the mechanic. (Maybe it's just a demo bug.) Also Bob Abdullah saw your gun, and started running, which wasn't a good idea, but we could discuss about the possibility of him escaping. He ran into the woods, and you had no chance of finding him. But still, he clearly ran away while on gunpoint.

So you broke 3.4 by yelling "Now" while on gunpoint. Your remington mate broke 3.24. And you talked with someone on the phone, while on gunpoint. (Maybe demo bug.)
Griim broke 3.4 by running away, but there was a slight possibility of escaping.
I don't really see Lewis, but as Jarred said, the shotgun guy wasn't focussing him.

And they killing you afterwards was fine, since you guys are at some kind of war, I think? You also tried to steal a huge amount of money. Sniper, and the money, around 180k. Many people, even in real life would kill you for this. Also, they don't have to proof anything. You want them banned for metagaming? Then you have to get the evidence.
I would guess i kinda broke 3.4 by running away, but i got scared as shit when i just saw the guys coming out of the barn, i never thought if they had guns, i was to scared to think straight and i just ran into the woods. Im sorry for this, it was not intentional at all.

And we already called the org member before we arrived. They were already on the way. You cannot say u were shot unarmed when u just were about to mug me. thats kinda fail logic if u ask me.
I'd just like to say. Organization chat got spammed with help at farm quick. By I think 3 people. Cevin, Lewis and Bob. It was definately Lewis and Bob. But it could of also been Cevin my memory isn't that good. Then I arrived when you guys were dead. Well I guess that's what happens when you try to mug off the Belinskys with a very horrible plan.
Trande;n46650 said:
I am more concerned about you being on the phone while Lewis had you on gunpoint? In Real-Life he would of course see it, but you just decided to "abuse" the mechanic. (Maybe it's just a demo bug.) Also Bob Abdullah saw your gun, and started running, which wasn't a good idea, but we could discuss about the possibility of him escaping. He ran into the woods, and you had no chance of finding him. But still, he clearly ran away while on gunpoint.

So you broke 3.4 by yelling "Now" while on gunpoint. Your remington mate broke 3.24. And you talked with someone on the phone, while on gunpoint. (Maybe demo bug.)
Griim broke 3.4 by running away, but there was a slight possibility of escaping.
I don't really see Lewis, but as Jarred said, the shotgun guy wasn't focussing him.

And they killing you afterwards was fine, since you guys are at some kind of war, I think? You also tried to steal a huge amount of money. Sniper, and the money, around 180k. Many people, even in real life would kill you for this. Also, they don't have to proof anything. You want them banned for metagaming? Then you have to get the evidence.

First of all the phone is a demo bug, tried to get it removed but it didn't work

Second screaming NOW, is not a 3.4 rulebreak, its realistic in this situation that i could scream NOOW in /yell - otherwise i should have been gagged.

I don't think any of them had a chance to run, since on the video you see my friend have the full view to shoot him anytime.
Griim R34per said:
I would guess i kinda broke 3.4 by running away, but i got scared as shit when i just saw the guys coming out of the barn, i never thought if they had guns, i was to scared to think straight and i just ran into the woods. Im sorry for this, it was not intentional at all.

And we already called the org member before we arrived. They were already on the way. You cannot say u were shot unarmed when u just were about to mug me. thats kinda fail logic if u ask me.
No but all of us dropped our weapons
Griim R34per said:
I would guess i kinda broke 3.4 by running away, but i got scared as shit when i just saw the guys coming out of the barn, i never thought if they had guns, i was to scared to think straight and i just ran into the woods. Im sorry for this, it was not intentional at all.

And we already called the org member before we arrived. They were already on the way. You cannot say u were shot unarmed when u just were about to mug me. thats kinda fail logic if u ask me.
U were still witnesses, which was a legit reason to kill you
I have been watching Bob Abdullah ( Griim ) demo and it's a totally different side of the situation. Seen from his side he turns around very quickly and couldn't see any shotgun pointed at him.
Seen from both of your sides I understand it but Bob ran off while being on gunpoint but Bob didn't notice it.

Bob Abdullah's Demo:
This ban request is Denied.
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