Ban request x4

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Your Steam/In-game Name: [PH] Prepper / Bob Nixon

His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Sdac / Michael Boyle
His/Her SteamID: Unknown

His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Danny D / John Bishop
His/Her SteamID: Unknown

His/Her Steam/In-game Name: D3V / Gary Belinsky
His/Her SteamID: Unknown

His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Bajar / Ryan Harris
His/Her SteamID: Unknown

Reason: I just got on duty as police officer when I received a panic alert from the Speed Enforcer John Ridlle. I quickly rushed to the Business Zone in matter to assist him. I arrived and the situation wasn't urgent anymore. I was then asked to transport the prisoner to the prison but first I wanted to interrogate and frisk the suspect, John Bishop. I didn't expect to find anything during the frisk because I knew that the baseball bat which he used to assault an officer with had already been confiscated. I then told the suspect that it sounded like a minor violation of the law and that I would have to call the court in matter to sentence him which I told him in the elevator. There was an ongoing bank robbery and I didn't knew whether I was the only police officer remaining within the Police Department. Before we entered the elevator a person, Ryan Harris, ran up to us and then quickly ran off as I called for backup. I assessed that the person, Ryan Harris, was second priority. In the elevator I told the suspect that he was risking up to 1-3 years imprisonment for assault on a police officer with a baseball bat. We eventually came downstairs and I spoke to the NPC (In voice chat) asking for permission to use the phone to call the court. Suddenly the alleged "lawyer" Ryan Harris came downstairs and I saw my chance to finally restrain him. I unholstered my service pistol and aimed it at him because his behavior was very unpredictable and he was also trespassing PD property. I then noticed flashlights on the staircase and I realised that the situation was getting out of control. I immediately called for backup despite the ongoing bank robbery. Multiple people rushed down the stairs and their overwhelming technique forced me to surrender, which I did by aiming my service pistol away from them and into the wall until I could put it in passive mode and then holster it. Despite that I was shot and I began to bleed. I realised that I was caught in the middle of a prison break. None of the criminals took the police officer NPC into consideration during the prison break. Furthermore I think it's bit of an exaggeration to shoot an officer who surrendered because their friend was charged with assault on police officer with a baseball bat and therefore was risking a couple of years imprisonment. I ended up bleeding to death because they tied my hands together but also because other police officers were too busy at the bank robbery.


Additional details:
The original video which I posted skips the conversation in which Officer John Ridlle says that the suspect was going in for "4 years" 0:03-0:07 and he's charged with "Assault on police officer with a baseball bat" 1:25-1:28. However, I don't see how he's able to charge him with a specific amount of years imprisonment without first interrogate him. He also cooperated and therefore I assumed that his prison sentence would be lowered.

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Me D3V and Sdac were at the business zone. Our friend was attempting to kill an officer with a bat smacking him repeatedly he got put into cuffs and put into your car so we followed you back to the police department. There were too many cops to jailbreak our friend out so we gave up and was going to walk off then a bank robbery happened increasing our chances of success by a lot, I ran downstairs of the PD to the jail cells you gunpointed me and called for all units to the PD there may be trespassers, My friends came down after me and saw you gunpointed me so they shot you once or twice, I tied you up we bobbied our friend and ran off.

Reason we didn't tie the NPC was because a Jail NPC doesn't have a gun he has a panic button. Which was useless since you already called all units to the jail cells and tying the NPC would have ruined our chances of escaping by slowing us down.
1. Breaking into the PD, because one of their friends gets one year in jail. Brilliant, that's the Roleplay I want to see.

2. Completely ignoring that your friend is on gunpoint and then even firing at the cop, you're just lucky that Prepper isn't someone who starts gunning down 4 people. He was allowed to do so tho.

3. Completely ignoring the NPC, who is most likely an armed cop. Great.

One of these guys is even a Mod, which makes it even more sad. Full support from me.
If im honest, i myself support this.

The fact that they went into a jail breakout over 1 year in prision is ridiculous. If John Bishop had only assualted an officer, which is what i presume he did, then they're doing more harm than good by breaking him out, thereby risking their lives and his.
They also didn't take the NPC into consideration at all, if anything he could of ducked the minute that Prepper went on the floor and was fired at, it's obvious that 6.3 was also broken here.

Im quite curios as to why Bajar didn't follow a few crucial rules here, obviously that's for the senior administration as to whether or not they want to persue that any further.

Anyway, as said earlier, i'll give this my full Support
I completely agree that a warning or possible ban should be given here. However they were told by one officer that I was going in for 4-6 years, however the officer that put me in told me 2 years. Yet the NPC was not considered, so yea, +support I guess

Edit: I don't quite understand what I did wrong?
Okay, if you watch the second video John Ridle say "Assaulting a police officer with a bat" So Gary and that would think that he is going in for quite a long time, they wouldn't know that you lowered his years. About Preppers gun his gun wasn't in attack stance but was out. Also the NPC would be too scared to pull a weapon out, if he did he could be risking Preppers life.
As much as Prepper and I have our differences, I support this ban request.

Let's run through with what I see wrong in this video.

1:49: That dangerous maneuver should have been dealt with. I wouldn't normally pick this out but seeing as though you were on your way to break your friend out you were technically in RP and shouldn't have done it. The risks far outweighed the potential positives there, you were lucky that Prepper is a decent and attentive roleplayer and he didn't just plow into you.
1:59: Unrelated but the black 4x4 seemingly broke the new red light rule.
2:24: Not really a rule break but is it worth trespassing just to shout "Let him go"? If that were me that's easily an arrest and a ticket, again you're lucky that Prepper has more lenience than me.
2:24: Again, not a rule break but just shit RP. A "lawyer" could be barred from acting as such for bringing the profession into disrepute by breaking the law (trespassing).
4:46: It appears that Boyle pulled his gun into attack there despite Prepper's service weapon being already trained in that direction. If that were most officers you'd have been dead as soon as they saw the gun. Yet again this is probably you taking advantage of Prepper's calm approach to roleplay which is a stark contrast to your "ball in there and shoot shit" approach.
4:49: Boyle's shot was AFTER you turned into the wall and were no longer a threat. Also by crouching Prepper was giving the best visual signal possible in those circumstances that he had surrendered.

NPC Notes
At no point did anyone direct their attention to the NPC. County Jails such as Paralake's are usually ran by the local LEO's and due to the amount of violence seen in US Jails they are mostly sworn in, armed officers. If that NPC were me I would have shot Gary as he ran with the bat towards Prepper, panic buttoned then proceeded to take on Boyle. Boom there's your RP gone. You're all dead.

Just moving onto RP, I find it astounding that a group of experienced players such as yourselves, one of which is a moderator can have such a poor standard of roleplay. Busting your mate out for 3 or 4 years in prison isn't worth it one bit.

Here's where the senior staff team get to prove me wrong and make the right decision for once by punishing those involved. I hope this request gets accepted because if it isn't then I was right about the whole system being shot to shit.

Please prove me wrong.
This community is dead if even (( Some )) Moderators breaking rules.

Ignoring NPC,Putting your life at risk for minimum jail sentence...etc.

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Michael Boyle and Gary Belinsky will both be warned for neglecting Rule 6.3 during this situation and the remainder of the Ban Request will be dealt with by Senior Administration. Their failure to adhere to Rule 6.3 in this situation is considered a minor transgression hence the leniency of the punishment.
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