Ban request

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Your Steam/In-game Name: [PH] Prepper / Bob Nixon

His/Her Steam/In-game Name: iTs PAT / Ryder Quid

His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:12041715

Reason: User was held at direct gunpoint with a shotgun. Once the vehicle moved and he was within the line of fire he decided to stand up, raise his firearm and shoot despite he was held at gunpoint. It's obvious that he was aware of the firearm which I had and therefore he went behind the vehicle. Furthermore I spoke to them (Microphone icon) while aiming the firearm at them.


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This guy..Yes this guy is a real rulebreaker.

[[tbh. Im just THINKING about it..I mean,cheating. Im not sure he's cheating or not.]]
He RDM'ed me..For no reason and also he one-shotted me with a pistol on a long range like 100-150 meters.

I was next to car wash thingy((whatever called)) he shot me infront door of Glass CO. with pistol..Only one shot.

I think @Prepper and @Venomine saw that situation too.


In this situation,person breaking 3.4 clearly. But i wanna add something. He's headshotting Prepper too in the video..Am i wrong?..Shall we get his Demo for make sure he's not cheating?.. Thanks and Regards.

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It seems like the user lacks knowledge of some rules, so I will go ahead and +support this request. Hopefully he won't make additional mistakes! :turtle:

He shouldn't make such an action while his life is being held under gun pount, aka threatend to lose his sweet life, so that's a really weird action. :eek::eek:
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Quick question, in the YouTube video he has his weapon already equipped in passive, can't you upload the demo to a site so that the administrators can see if he already had the weapon in passive, because i've heard if they have their weapon in passive, it greatly increases their chances of actually taking you on.

Otherwise a moderator+ may deny it as they have the same view about weapons in passive when at gunpoint.

If I'm wrong, I apologise, it's 1am and I'm sat here all sweaty watching homeland. <3

+Neutral for now

Will probably change to a +support shortly.
How I said Right? Both of them defenetly broke 3.4. You had a shotgun pointed on both of them and Ryder took his gun out while in gunpoint.
Bella the girl in the car did drive off while in gunpoint. And btw. @Ultimate got rdm from that Ryder guy too. +Support
Neutral +/- Ryder wasn't really in gun point it was long range to take him down with a shotgun.
But Bella broke 3.15 and 3.4.
Request Pending

In order to resolve this I will need an actual demo of the incident, since the video is misleading and confusing because of your use of the Drive function.
I've now seen the demo again and it turns out that I eventually ran out of ammunition during the shootout. User also had his pistol out from the very beginning and he was the one who made me bleed (Heart icon beneath microphone icon). However, I doubt whether or not rule 3.4 applies due to the user's lack of knowledge about the remaining amount of ammunition. The vehicle also gave him a temporary advantage.

I'd like to encourage those who believe that the user has violated any similar server rules to make their own ban requests with additional evidence. Mainly because it seems a little strange that others have experienced to get shot and killed at unreasonable distances.

I cannot see how 'Drive Mode' is perceived as misleading and confusing. It simply gives an idea on their position at the time I began to approach them.

- I'd like this ban request to be closed.
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-Support, he semt to have a clear chance to escape in my opinion.
It looks like luck shot but that was a gun point. From that range irl you can kill him and even person behind him. There is no chance of him to escape. There is no need to + support it as the owner of the thread wants it closed.
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