Ban Request

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Your Steam/In-game Name: JJJackier / Jack Kier

His/Her Steam/In-game Name: ⁢⁢⁢⁢⁢ / Andii Millheimer (Thanks to Niko)

His/Her SteamID:

Why Should This Player Be Punished: Basically broke 3.4 as I put him under gunpoint and told him to get out of the car, he ignored, drove back and killed someone.

Evidence (Demo Required):!7N4klBZY!A2lY9JUWt3z3NZd5xExQlXz5vPyJ_Ysl8LoQhTovDG0

READ READ: You can't hear me, but as he tried to run me over I said: Get out of the car, multiple times.

Tick: 60 000
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You should also include the constant cop baiting we were involved in unfortunately for me I had to stop him by risking my own life. Aparantly im getting a BR against me from Andii who in my demo not only drived like a idiot but called at gun point.

I was chasing Andii and the constant cop baiting was annoying me like hell.
Even though this isn't Garo
The player clearly broke 3.4 and should be punished.

Get your information straight. That is not me and not my car, my car is fully black not black and red
Even if this isn't garo you should still ban him because hes a tool, he goes around with Millheimer just looking for people to attack, or to bait. Ask @Fredy and @Carrot they know.
Apparently, that was not Garo. I'll try and find out who it is and update the BR.

UPDATE: According to Hayden, it was Andii. If it wasn't Andii then someone please tell me who it was.
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Unnecessary posting/Constructive supports
To be honest Garo can be a dickbag sometimes. Showing off how rich he is with his Bugatti and his trainer outfits and hats and shit. One of his buddies even stole my phone and said they didn't do it after i accidently dropped it so +Support
I don't believe I was involved in this same situation
I was involved with one with Garo and Andii
But @Walker dealt with it
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IF you dont know who the person is who broke 3.4 you shouldnt really make a br to waste admins time
Due to this spilling out into a screw forum rules this thread has been reported.

@Walker Rating my post dumb like everyone else for getting staff help to bring order to this BR thanks alot.
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Guys, this is getting out of hands.
This is a BAN REQUEST, not a keyboard fight.

I will be finding the proper information ASAP.

Please tell me if you know who this man is:

Here comes 'an hero'

By viewing through the demo, you can see that the driver runs over a person on their escape. A bit further into it, you hear one of the bystanders call that person for 'Harry', indicating that it's his name (obviously). Now, taking the time and date into consideration, I can look through the logs to find out who was killed, and if their IC name is actually Harry.
You can see Garo leaving the scene first, in his fully black Bugatti, with the other Bugatti still at the scene. It attempts to run over the officer, though fails, and a weapon is pointed at it (which it ignores, though were probably fully aware of, as they would possibly have tried avoiding the person behind them if they were looking that way). Now, I have the approximate time and date for the incident, which I can check in the logs with first using Andii's steam ID, and I get this:

This isn't enough, though. Andii may just have run over a random person during that time, though I decided to investigate further. Using Wolfjie's steam ID and searching for any /radio chat, I got this:

This means that Wolfjie's In Character name is Harry, which one of the bystanders called the victim. Combining that with the time that Andii ran someone Wolfjie over, it seems quite evident that Andii was indeed the one at the scene, in the Bugatti, tried running over Jack, but ran over Wolfjie/Harry on his escape.

Not to mention Andii is one of the only few that actually kept the skirt and bumper red.

I will post the verdict in a bit after a small discussion with one or two other staff members.

Before going further with this ban request, I will request that @Millheimer (Andii) posts his own demo that covers the incident.​
That is not Garo/Millheimer. That isn't me either for whoever thought that. He didn't break 3.4 IMO as he has a fast car which can go 150MPH. I think I wouldn't say thats 3.4. He knew how to handle it.

It is not me in the picture.

With the evidence provided by Andii, it is evident that he never saw a weapon pointed at him. Therefore he would not be aware of his life being in danger, unaware that he was ever risking his life. Thereby, he has justified his actions during the incident.​
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