Ban specialGuy

  • Thread starter Thread starter BillySavery
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Yeah I put it in the wrong part of the forums-sorry! Yeah you have seen the Demo, please ban him for RDM TWICE

Demo here again
eah it don't let me open demos so I can't help you there but I am helping you to the best of my ability, I just know the time it happened, but I really wish action is taken against him because when I rdmed him a couple of days later he screamed to the admin and I am banned for a week because of him.

Your Steam/In-game Name: Billysavery/Billy Belinsky His/Her Steam/In-game Name: It is something like SpecialGuyG I can't remember, check your logs?/In game his first name is Gabi I don't know his last name His/Her SteamID: Don't know Reason: Rdmed me twice as seen in the demo Evidence: Demo
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