Bank robbery

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You should put more money as a reward at the bank robbery , because yesterday we were 7 people did a robbery and we got only 20k. it doesnt even worth... it would be better like 50k
That's the reason we don't put it up, it would be too easy to get the money. And exactly when there is only 7 people on. Or one of your friends and only you, it would be easy 50k in 5 mins, wouldn't it?
you should put the time more then since we have got 10 police officers max and 4 swats which make them 14 and we were 7 which is good in number to survive. but when the bombs cost like 14k to craft em so we can have some stong force to do the robbery
i think you should upgrade the money of the bank robbery. my opinion
Should be able to take hostages again, almost impossible to rob bank if the cops don't RP with you.
Minishawsi said:
Should be able to take hostages again, almost impossible to rob bank if the cops don't RP with you.
Due to the fact that the most people who were being taken hostage was people who said; I can be hostage if you want!
It's a -support from me.

Also alot of people who were being taken hostage often mingepicked.

Minishawsi said:
Should be able to take hostages again, almost impossible to rob bank if the cops don't RP with you.
Well how else are you supposed to convince cops not to shoot you?
Minishawsi said:
Should be able to take hostages again, almost impossible to rob bank if the cops don't RP with you.
Give up? I mean bank robberies in real life (if you are caught in the act) are not something you get away with easily.
Hostages are specifically disallowed for bank robberies because of several different reasons.

1) People volunteer to be hostage or have their friend be hostage then split money later (clearly fail)
2) With the hostage, the situation almost never ends, it gets dragged out to where it is inevitable for the bank robber to collect the cash, and even if they die afterward, no biggie, they don't lose the money.
3) Hostages tend to take the guns of fallen robbers (if a gun fight breaks out), which even now with having it limited to one gun, it would not stop this behavior.
4) It has a tendency to cause more troubles for everyone involved, since hostages move all around and don't act as if they should be afraid for their life (like a real hostage would be) so they get in the way.

etc. So hostages are not a good thing as far as I am concerned, yes it would help you earn the money, but it's never supposed to have been easy to rob the bank as it is quick large amounts of money that you can earn from doing it.

Anyways, if there were 10 police and 4 SWAT, it is possible to win with 7 of you, but also, if police are in those numbers, it's probably not a smart idea to rob the bank in the first place obviously. Which is why being able to see how many police, SWAT, etc jobs are taken, was removed, as to enhance your ability to assess what your chance you may have, instead of just checking a value in which you would be unable in real life to know as this is serious RP.
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