Bank Vault

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Topic: Bank Vault area.

Short explanation (in notes):
- Adding the money piles again.

Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
I really have no idea on why this has been removed as it gives a huge disadvantage to the criminals and are mostly forced to stay outside of the vault defending the wooden door. Yes you could wallbang through the money piles but at least they gave you some cover.

Optional additions:
- Unlock the locked door.
- Fix the bugs when the leader gets in first etc but you still fail to rob it.
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I actually have a question regarding some seriousroleplay.

I have been reading and watching a lot of things that includes crime. I have enjoyed some and been inspired by many, haha do not get me wrong :) Do you know Stephen King? Bestselling author ofmany of these books. Some of his books even became u.
Well let us tttt ftget to the point. The movie I just watched inspired me a whole lot to do some serious serial killer roleplay on PERP.

When I say this I do not meanrunning around and kidnapping people, then doing two minutes of roleplay whereafter chopping them into pieces and dumping them in the lake. I am talking about long sits of roleplay where I act like a real serial killer so people would actually be entrigued even though they are going to die.

I want to know if I may initiate this kind of roleplay while a staff member, most preferably you is watching over the whole sit.

This could also lead to me gaining the roleplay trophy if you like how the sit is played out. It would also be nice to have you watch over the sit if the guy decides to break fear roleplay or the unrealistic rule.

It would also be cool if you could be a cop as detective but that is another scenario which I cannot choose for you.


What you're saying isn't really related to this post. If you have an idea or a suggestion feel free to make one here However from what I gather, you are unable to Roleplay as a serial killed as it involves breaking numerous rules such as 3.4, risking capture by police for no real gain and 2.5, killing, presumably unarmed people.
(On Phone)
I can completely agree with what you are saying, however would the police be able to unlock the vault also I think that the robbers should be able to open and close it themselves.
I have hardly seen any successful bank robberies after the money piles were removed as the criminals had no cover and the cops had a massive advantage by normally having loads of the police force and they have heavily armoured swat. So a huge +Support from me.

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