Bazaar music

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Main Idea: Bring back the bazaar music

Full description of the idea: Hello guys, my idea was to return bazaar music. So I have made a general discussion post about the bazaar music to be returned. A lot of people agreed on me since it was 20 votes yes and 8 no, but I got an idea for this. @The Strange Deranged Mage replied on the discussion post and had a good idea for the people who didn't like the bazaar music. His idea was that the music could be returned to the bazaar, but if people don't like it they can mute it in the settings.

Why should it be added?: This brings back old memories to members and it adds a sphere in the bazaar area.

Pros: Nice catchy music in the bazaar shop area.

Cons: I cannot think of any

*Other additions:


This was created in the time that Paralake got invaded by Indians in 1989 when they were all looking for jobs.
I hope that I informed u enough!
I personally loved the bazaar music, it was very catchy and just hearing it while you were wondering about or crafting was quite nice as it didn't just have you sitting in silence.
I would normally go there back in the day to craft when there was nobody else there just to listen to the music and craft.

A lot of people did want it removed and so senior administration removed it, however I feel having it be there but allow people to mute it will please everyone and not just a minority/majority.

I can definitely support this suggestion and would love to see senior administration make this an addition to the next update.
The Bazaar died when the music was removed, this graph shows the decline over the years

If this does not get added next update I'm gonna trap my dick in the freezer door.

If it doesn't get added in the next update, I'm gonna show everyone what happens when an ADHD ridden child gets ahold of an AR-15 and lives near a school.
Actually bazaar music is already in the v4 content files, so I guess it would just simply have to be coded in again, or simply enabled again if it is just disabled from v2 right now.

But please add it, it was some good ambient music, or at least make it optional so people aren't forced to have it.
The old bazaar music.

Oh yeah this reminds me of this one time, a couple of years ago. I was gettin into the bazaar, and I mean ya know how it is. I’m just an average 14 year old dude with a giant monster dong for fuckin fellow traps, gotta get relief sometime. So i pull up my favorite video, a bowsette hentai, and well I just went smackin. Day as usual. So I was just watching Mario get fucked by an 17 inch reptile dong when the strangest thing happened, a crown appears right next to me. Now at this point cum was already shooting out of my asshole, but I might as well see if it improves the finisher. So I put the thing on and my arms start getting buff as fuck. I immediately grow a beard, my hair turns black, and all the vaccines I’ve ever gotten in the past 14 years immediately shoot out of my body. And then ya see my penis shoots back into my own body, and transforms into a 6 inch wide gaping vagina. So again, business as usual for the most part, aside from the slight transformation. Now at this point I’m a 7 feet tall chad as they say, ready to have another anal fuck n cuck session with my fellow trendies. Now cum is still spilling out of my tight little asshole, a bit longer than usual. But then another weird thing happens, my buddy Will Smith bursts through the door. “Smith?” I let out. Without saying a word, he hops onto my bed and spreads out his shit covered cheeks. Well no words have to be spoken, it was rewind time. Although the problem now was I had to dick, so something else had to be used. But then I had a pretty good idea. My dick was basically the size of my entire body now, so my body would make a pretty good substitute. Now I’m not a cissy who needs lube, so I start workin my way in there. I’m about three feet in face first when oh fuck, he farts. Now at this point I’m freaking out here, it took me an hour to get this far and I was about to be shot out faster than a buttplug in a 40 year old woman. Well I know what I need to do, I open my mouth wide and swallow it up. My mouth is immediately filled with willy gas, and I become bloated like a ballon. Great orgasm right then, but I had to go deeper. I started workin my way in more, and will Smith is moanin quite a bit. Finally I’m inside of him. Oh my god it was great, a full bloated reverse vore. Well I kind forget what happened next, but I woke up the next morning with nothing but a Will Smith tattoo on my asshole to show for it. All in all a pretty normal bazaar day.
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