Being Able to Rob Jewelry Stores

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Great Britain
  • Topic: Jewelry Store Robberies

    Short explanation (in notes):
    - Being able to go to any Jewelry store (Clothes store) and rob it just like the bank.
    - Would be easier to rob than the bank, and the police call out should be like a house alarm.
- Your stars in the top right hand corner would be 3 stars or something.
- You aim a gun any store assistant and say "Put the jewelry in the bag".
  • Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
    I think this should be added because it could be argued that many players find it difficult to rob the bank, to give players more options they should have a choice. You aim a gun at any shop assistant and say "Put the Jewelry in the bag", You can get like 3 stars rather than 5 in a bank robbery the top right hand corner, it could also give new players a chance to get used to the criminal life :p. I personally have not robbed the bank because I am scarred:( but I would like to rob a store then I might build the confidence to rob the bank.
Optional additions:
- Once wanted level is gone the jewelry turns into money.
- Or rather than it turning into money, you can give it to an NPC which trades you for it.
- Or it just comes out as money in the first place.
- You can't rob a Store if another Jewelry store is being robbed or the bank. NPCs could say "We have recently been robbed, we have nothing left!".
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Huge +Support (And not only because I was the one who came up with it with you as we waited in the car by the clothes store :D)

Can add an alternative to the bank vault which is usually just flash bang and run and can also add more things for SWAT to do. After a successful robbery a message could say "You managed to sell X items of jewellery for X dollars"

It would be challenging to have multiple places to rob NPC's other than Bank. Even more challenging if the NPC opened a secret door into the basement where they cut the gems and make jewelries.
The problem is, it would need to be balanced so that Swat can arrive in time so its not just free money. Another alternative is it only pays out 3k?
I think this would be an excellent addition to the server and roleplay, makes a difference compared to robbing the bank which takes ages, this wouldn't take as long as it's just simply smash the glass, grab and go.

Huge +support from me.
I wouldn't mind more places to rob, that would yield less money than the bank. It's always good to have more assignments for the police and SWAT.

But still, I think we are in need of more legal activities that yield money, like some people have suggested mining or other recourse gathering.
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Also another reason could be that , it might in encourage officers to patrol more often in those areas.
I +SUPPORT this. Maybe it will take 40 to 50 seconds to fill the bags giving the SWAT and Officers enough time to get ready and get there.

Maybe the payout can be fixed and it will generate a random number between 10k to 30k depending on either just a random number generator or something or the city funds. Either way i think this will make a great addition for the server and especially for these areas and the cops.
+Support However, I think you should be able to rob the bank and jewelry store as a diversion, but you shouldn't be able to rob both stores at once.
I support this idea, it's actually great that if there were more options of robbing and giving abit more criminal roleplay to do. I totally agree with this, + support!
Even tho this would maybe require the map to be adited, i think this idea would be awesome. And instead of just running up to the npc to get the cash from him, u should have to break the glass and press e on the jewelry to get it.

+ Support, I would like if there was a rule/law stating that only a certain number of officer's may respond to a jewellery robbery and finish up what they're doing before they respond. When bank robberies happen, all officer's usually just compleely drop what they're doing, turn on their sirens an put the pedal to the metal. It would defeat the purpose of '' An easier, less profitable version of bank robbing'' if that would happen. Also it would be nice if there was also a law/rule stating that SWAT shouldn't immediately respond, it would defeat the purpose since SWAT officer's are so dang powerful and would just rek the robber. SWAT should only respond if the robbers have automatic's and such.
+Support from me I did this once with Creepis and the feeling breaking the glass taking the shit out is amazing. I hope that this suggestion is getting accepted.
+Support - This should be a lot of fun, increase realism and make a smaller scale bank robbery. Maybe a smaller alarm so the whole police force doesn't appear. Hopefully will feel like the robbery of jewelry stores in Mafia II (great game...)
+ support - Makes it more realistic.Since it is a civilian owned place each time you rob it you can receive 10k per time.
- Also what is the mafia supposed to do other then grow drugs and shoot other mafias :(
While I see a lot of support for having this idea, it all is from the viewpoint of the would-be robber. So lets take a different angle shall we?

As police it is rather easy to get swamped with responding to many different calls and requests by ranking officers. So adding this in would only further complicate matters. If crime were a rather rare occurrence and police had more people to do all the necessary tasks then sure, but at peak times as police you would think that you are the only person not committing crimes. So to me this idea would worsen police effectiveness. Considering if a person robbed the bank runs off, police have a hard time ever tracking that individual down. Now imagine multiplying that by at least two, as it is unlikely police would arrive to either scene with the criminal inside and if they do, it wouldn't be hard to run off.

Overall I get the impression this gains support on the idea of easy money, not because it adds necessary gameplay. Anyone that disagrees, feel free to respond and discuss your viewpoint, simply rating me as such will only further solidify my position on this.
I think this is a great idea (+Support). S.W.A.T would also get used more if people is able to rob more places as the S.W.A.T at the moment is really inactive when they are on job due to that they are not very needed, mostly in bank robberys wich isint that often, also dangerous gun fights, wich isint happening that often either.
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