Silent Messages 368 Reaction score 1,664 Points 520 Location Israel Aug 1, 2017 #2 why you run to a super car driving at the side walk do you expect to get a candy ?
Teemo Messages 1,125 Reaction score 1,669 Points 620 Location Niko's PC Aug 3, 2017 #4 John wouldn't of shot you if you complied
Fasool Messages 442 Reaction score 1,220 Points 500 Location Earth Aug 3, 2017 #5 excuse me why am I not featured in this video???!!!11
JARRE Messages 1,098 Reaction score 2,694 Points 685 Location Netherlands Aug 3, 2017 #6 Questionable editing on certain parts. This could've been better but it could've been much worse aswell. Atleast it's a somewhat quick video You're improving my son
Questionable editing on certain parts. This could've been better but it could've been much worse aswell. Atleast it's a somewhat quick video You're improving my son