Ben Niko

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Communication Banned
Reaction score
Your Steam/In-game Name: bobo

His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Ben Niko / @Palodhi

His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:81111055

Why Should This Player Be Punished: 2.5 i was afk in my base and some random guys just entered my apartment it was somehow open maybe a friend forgot it open then ben niko came straight to me with two commands and shot me straight up when i was posing no threat or anything, i was afk and that's what i caught on my shadowplay.

Evidence (Demo Required):
I understand your mad, I would be too. I did it because of the circumstances i was in, we had broken into a apartment that had drugs and a armed man in there. As you didn't respond, I had to speed up the process as the fighting and shooting outside. Also, why would you go afk in his apartment with shots outside with a gun and drugs indside.
i don't understand your point you jumping from a story to another story, i'm reporting you because you shot me for no reason even doe i was afk i was posing no threat to you or anything i was harmless and even doe if i wasn't afk i don't know why you gave commands in just a second and shot me then next second without waiting a bit for a response.
Yes but I realised that you hadn’t reacted to my friend walking in, so your probably were not there, I need you weapon for one of my friends to use in the shootout.
@Palodhi ill step in here just to tell you that you need to give him atleast 10secs for the rp part even though its very clear he was afk. You gave him 2 secs tops
@Palodhi so from what i understand is that you killed me because you wanted my shotgun
hey man, just so you know, you cant comment on AR's unless you're involved
dont ask me why we have that rule, it just is, so this will probably be deleted soon

The user was clearly AFK, you killed him whilst he had no chance to defend himself or value his life and comply, a report should have been made to come to a solution which didn't cause such an excessively negative impact on @bobo, whilst I understand that the weapon was what you wanted, waiting for the player to return or calling staff to help and advise you is what you should have done.

@Palodhi Will receive a warning.

@bobo As the weapon was likely to be lost in the situation regardless of you being killed a Refund Request will not be accepted.
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