Server Suggestion Better drug dealer locations.

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Description of the idea:
The idea here is to replace certain DD spots with better ones.

The following Drug Dealer spots should be removed / relocated for the following reasons:
- Business monorail station: As @thehomelessdude pointed out in his suggestion post, its very open and passing cops would spot the drug deal / mugging simply by driving past.
- Ragnatech: A mugging would be visible by people passing in cars on business street, which is part of the highway driven by the majority of the player base daily. Moving the drug dealer to sit inbetween Ragnatech and Jennifers slightly, as opposed to leaning on the puffermart wall could make this issue less present.

The following locations could definitely become Drug Dealer spots:
- Behind Fredys in the beach area (I know this is already a bank raid location but they could put the NPC in the other part of the alleyway.
- Underneath the highway by stonehenge facing the lake.
- Behind subs monorail station between some of the rocks
- Behind car dealer leaning on the corner between the building and the fence (or in the car wash area as described in my suggestion post here)
- In the treeline between the subs off ramp and the farm fence, or right at the back of the city park, where the fence divides the off ramp forest area and city park area.
- Behind slums? (Bit of a weird one as muggings could be spotted via PD unless located right in the corner).
- Near the water tower in the crane yard
The idea here is to make certain drug dealer spots miles more secluded and to ensure that there's less "Safe" spots for people to wait for to sell. In general making it to the drug dealer should be a trek in itself. Evo city had some really good drug dealer spots capable of doing this and the idea here would be to replicate that as much as possible: Almost every DD location was secluded, and involved carrying your product into potential risks.

Why should this be added? (pros):
Secluded areas making drug dealing an actual possible risk.
More of a challenge making money illegally as it should be.
Farm / city park treeline:
Incredibly secluded location invisible from most angles and out of direct earshot of the public in terms of voice volume.
Would breathe life into an unused area.
Beach Bakery:
No properties near enough to this location to make it a speedselling spot.
Stonehenge overlooking lake pro's:
Incredibly secluded.
Crane yard water tower Pro's:
Secluded for the most part.
Speedselling from morons would still take time.
Unused area.

What negatives could this have? (cons):
- DD could be harder for newer players to find.
Some of these locations are near properties which could allow users to speedrun bulk selling (Not that existing spots don't have this issue).
Beach fredys cons:
Still somewhat visible, albeit lesser than existing spots.
Its currently a bank drop location.
Stonehenge cons:
Pain in the arse to get a van to if you go through stonehenge, resulting in stuck car reports.
Subs monorail cons:
People often drive through it in car chases
IIRC This is also near a bank robbery drop point.
Car dealer cons:
As is, on paralake V4, this would be open area.
Close to ragnatech
Speedrun selling from puffermart.
Farm / city park fence area:
Would be a pain in the arse for players to find
Behind slums cons:
Pretty visible from several angles.
Crane yard water tower cons:
Visible from highway if someones on foot there (Rare though)
Morons gate could obstruct vehicle access, the only way to this spot would be through morons.
Agree with getting rid of business fountain. It is next to a monorail station and you can buy business shop 1 and mass sell your stuff with very little risk
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