Better Police Uniforms

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in her grave
Main idea: Having better, more visible uniforms for the Police.

Description: Right now, the Police wear dark uniforms which have low visibility, which makes it harder to see officers on foot patrol or in the middle of a situation at night. If we got a better, more visible uniform(s) for the police, it would be a lot better for the criminals AND officers.
By a "Better Uniform" I mean something like what the British police have:


Although, this would probably just be for the lower-ranked policeman, as some operations do have to be carried out secretly and in the night. So, maybe, there should be a separate, low-vis uniform for ranked officers, something like:



Although, this uniform is also pretty high-vis and would work well, although it might look like something you'd wear while biking:
Thanks @Epithax

As you can see, the uniforms above are a lot more visible than the uniform we have now. Even with the ones that aren't wearing the high-vis jackets, they still have stripes on the back which make them a bit more visible, and the white shirts also help with that.
Now, compare these two uniforms above with the one we have now:


I, personally, would prefer the British police officer uniform to the one we currently have. The British uniform is a lot more visible than the current one, which would mean that there would be a lot less incidents where officers get run over in the middle of the night, and it would also just look a lot more pleasing to the eye.
Of course, I don't mean EXACTLY like the British police uniforms, I mean something that is as visible as them, as currently the uniforms we use now are a safety hazard to not only them, but people who are driving in the night.

  • (Opinion) Looks better than the one we currently have.
  • More visibility- Officers will get run over a lot less if we have a more visible uniform
  • For criminals- Criminals might be able to see cops a bit better, which would stop them from getting arrested for running over cops.
  • British officer fans like The Hitman, Tyla, and others would like the British uniform a lot more than our current one, as the British one is one they're familiar with, or at least something as visible at it.
  • Might be a bit difficult to create.
  • Making police more visible would make them easier to shoot in raids, but could easily be balanced by giving cops better weapons.
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The current uniform suits the USA layout, having a UK Police outfit would look like some DarkRP server with UK Models on RP_Downtown_v4C_V2, definitely wouldn't suit PERPHEADS mate.

All I can see is this anyway??? :laughcry::laughcry:
Also, after 14, nearly 15 years of living in america, I have never seen a police officer who looks like the ones on PerpHeads. +support ish. I think we should use another model but a better American one as paralake is SUPPOSEDLY in texas.

The uniform is very close I guess, but there's more detailwork, and the hats are never worn. (Maybe no hat I'd a premium feature :3) but more stuff should be added like, a belt with stuff on it maybe or some medals or something
As of myself being a LEO irl I can just tell that we use reflective vests during night time incidents that happen on public roads. However I do believe that the current uniform is visible enough, the only thing I would see useful in being added are reflective vests.

Example of the dank German vests:
Maybe add a high-visability jacket to speed enforcers as they are on the roads quite often.
I don't think a whole revamp of the police uniform is necessary however.
Not really sure this is needed, imagine cops with Neon stripes, basically a LED sign saying "Kill me" during raids etc.
What I'd like to see is some customisability added to the police uniforms. The ability to change the cap to something like this

or to remove it entirely. The ability to wear a selection of sunglasses on duty would also be cool, obviously none of the swaggy white framed shite on the server but the classic cop aviators or some plain sunglasses would be nice. Lieutenant+ should have the choice of wearing the Michael Jackson gloves. The ability to don a reflective jacket for traffic incidents would also be helpful. I don't want a complete revamp of the police uniform as I think it suits the theme well and it's the best one I've seen on any gmod server. A little bit of customisability would be nice however, especially for those of us who probably spend more time in the police uniform than in civilian clothing while on perp.
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