Big Mistake

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United Kingdom
Well about two weeks ago i was saying that i was leaving. But oh my god i had the worst time ever at Santos. For one it was the worst RP i have ever played, there was nothing to do, unless you were listed as a cop or medic. One of the owners was corrupt and banned someone for going OOC, even though he was not doing his job as a medic. And top off all that, i hate how so many AR's are put on Rustic, and what he does is change the Rule book so he didnt break any rules. If you are thinking og leaving this community please dont and think twice, you will regret it.

So yeh i'm back, and i am proud and happy to be back. You truly do forget sometimes how amazing this community is. However i will not be as active as usual because of two reason;

I am now in Year 11,(Last year of high school in the UK) so it's technically the last time i will see my friends before we all depart and go to college or something like that. So i'm starting to go out more with them as i only have 6 months left. I will mainly be active during the day, as i will be out in the night.

The second reason is(which wont really take much affect), is me and a few streamers are going to make a new RP server, its just for fun, it will never be as amazing as this, but as we only have one code developer and he isn't very active, we cant do nothing as of the time being. We are looking for a new, we will just have to wait and see.

Its good to be fully active again!
Must be worse than a server I used to administrate which was run by an 11 year old the staff were to busy fighting for ranks.

Good to have you back and you forgot your kevlar vest and minge repellent before joining Santos.
Yeah santos is pretty damn Aidaroonies. They just don't have the same community! Welcome back buddy!