-=Bilbo ´Elf´ Swaggins=- Player Report

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United Kingdom
Your Steam/In-game Name: Jericho / Watson Junior
His/Her Steam/In-game Name:
-=Bilbo ´Elf´ Swaggins=- / Ebbe Ksiechtoir
His/Her SteamID:
Why Should This Player Be Punished:

Breaking rules 3.3 and 3.4.

3.3 Realistic Actions- All actions a player makes must be done as realistically as possible, especially during combat; for example, when jumping up-to, or down-from somewhere, it must be done so slowly, carefully, and without resulting in injury to the player.

  • Sprinted-off without any struggle disregarding his characters state/circumstances (being tied up) and he is still able to rail off the stair whilst tied up.
  • Continued to effectively sprint even after taking 2 beatings with baseball bat
  • Upon being tied up/searched and looted he refused to drop all of his items. Because he claims: "You can't mug someone for a doll"
  • Did not use any /me commands whatsoever to emphasise his current state as he runs off.
  • Did not act as if he was afraid as seen in video as he was laughing and screaming.

3.4 Putting your Life at Risk - Players must at all times act realistically, meaning that any actions taken that may put a player’s In-Character life, freedom from imprisonment and/or general wellbeing at risk must be done so in a realistic fashion, for realistically good/beneficial reasons and in such a way that can be justified as reasonable.

  • Putting his life at risk over a materialistic items i.e. his doll.
  • Disregarding my presence with a lethal weapon by just running off as I was typing despite being in close-range and him potentially being critically injured by baseball bat.

Evidence (Demo Required):

"Jericho STEAM_0:1:93949226 Player picked up Empty Bottle belonging to -=Bilbo ´Elf´ Swaggins=- 2015-12-30 22:28:52" - To confirm user being mugged is infact the user in question.

How are you able to tie someone up, while holding a candy cane with both hands?
Why are you mugging him in a public place?

It's a candy cane.

A candy cane, dude.

- support, your actions weren't realistic at all.
Just wanna let you know that mugging someone in a public stair case isn't realistic at all and you are breaking 5.1 since its public.

Nvm then.
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It's a baseball bat. Themed to a candy cane because of the christmas update; doesn't turn the item any less than a weapon because of its seasonal aesthetics.
It's a baseball bat. Themed to a candy cane because of the christmas update; doesn't turn the item any less than a weapon because of its seasonal aesthetics.
Not too sure about that, actually. It's been handled as candy cane icly everytime I played, so? And you still can't tie someone while holding a candy cane, or a bat (whatever) with both hands. And you're not allowed to mug someone in public? So arguing over it is pointless. You should be lucky about Bilbo not making an AR on you in the first place.
Just wanna let you know that mugging someone in a public stair case isn't realistic at all and you are breaking 5.1 since its public.

And tbh, i would also laugh if someone with a Candy cane ran up towards me and started to mug me outside my apartment.
So you would decide to violate 3.4, good one Robin.

Let's ve honest here the area is a pretty fucked up place to mug someone however that's no reason to violate the rules for as 2.6 states. I do agree a bit with Trande however i can tie my shoes while holding something in my hand so I dont see the reason why not. And @-=Bilbo Swaggins=- I haven't found any rule stating that you can't mug someone for it, and as people are selling it I see no reason why not. But I get your point.
Actually him running away shouldn't be 3.4. He had a real chance of escaping, and his friends were in one of the apartments. That's probably why you shouldn't mug in a public apartment, the person could yell and get the people onto you, especially if you just got a melee weapon.

He clearly had the chance to get out of there. And since your /me didn't make any sense anyway disregarding it was fine, imo.

And it's still a candy cane. Maybe the staff team can do a final verdict how it's handled ICly. For now -> it looks like a candy cane -> it's a candy cane for me.
Let's get this straight.

Sprinted-off without any struggle disregarding his characters state/circumstances (being tied up) and he is still able to rail off the stair whilst tied up.

As stated in a previous reply, you tied me up while holding a CANDY CONE with both hands. Also, you can't have tied my legs, since I was facing you.

Continued to effectively sprint even after taking 2 beatings with baseball bat

If a person has enough adrenaline, they would be able to run off even after receiving a bat to the back.

Upon being tied up/searched and looted he refused to drop all of his items. Because he claims: "You can't mug someone for a doll"

As stated earlier, I'm not permitted to drop my sweater doll.

Did not use any /me commands whatsoever to emphasise his current state as he runs off.

Don't even see what you want me to do mate?

Did not act as if he was afraid as seen in video as he was laughing and screaming.

I'm sorry, but I found it hilarious that you were mugging me in a public place with a candy cane.

Disregarding my presence with a lethal weapon by just running off as I was typing despite being in close-range and him potentially being critically injured by baseball bat.

If you had pinned me down in a corner, then I would understand it, but I had a full chance of escaping, so I took the chance. Plus I knew the guys downstairs, and knew that they were going to help me if they got the chance.
3.3 Realistic Actions- All actions a player makes must be done as realistically as possible, especially during combat; for example, when jumping up-to, or down-from somewhere, it must be done so slowly, carefully, and without resulting in injury to the player.
  • Sprinted-off without any struggle disregarding his characters state/circumstances (being tied up) and he is still able to rail off the stair whilst tied up.
  • Continued to effectively sprint even after taking 2 beatings with baseball bat
  • Upon being tied up/searched and looted he refused to drop all of his items. Because he claims: "You can't mug someone for a doll"
  • Did not use any /me commands whatsoever to emphasise his current state as he runs off.
  • Did not act as if he was afraid as seen in video as he was laughing and screaming.

3.4 Putting your Life at Risk - Players must at all times act realistically, meaning that any actions taken that may put a player’s In-Character life, freedom from imprisonment and/or general wellbeing at risk must be done so in a realistic fashion, for realistically good/beneficial reasons and in such a way that can be justified as reasonable.

  • Putting his life at risk over a materialistic items i.e. his doll.
  • Disregarding my presence with a lethal weapon by just running off as I was typing despite being in close-range and him potentially being critically injured by baseball bat.

Here to take the dump I said I would.


To start off, your /me does not specify which part of his body you tie up - heck, you might even have tied up his ballsack for all I know. But using common sense, most would immediately go ahead and say that you've tied his hands. Tying someone's hands doesn't really stop them from sprinting off, down or up stairs, or basically anywhere really.
And of course he can still effectively sprint after being hit. Not only because, by rule 3.6, he has to run in order to save his own life, but also because (as far as I could see) you didn't hit his legs (which at some points also will cripple the guy)
He also did not refuse to drop his items, as it doesn't exactly talk him long to begin dropping everything (absolute 5 seconds max) and regardless of that, he still ends up dropping them. Definitely not refusing to do it, since he actually went and did it.
It is not necessary for him to make a /me for his current state as he runs off. He can run off if he wants to, since he (as we previously assumed) that only his hands are tied, which doesn't really stop him from running, which I also previously mentioned.
He assumed that it was nothing but a joke (as mentioned over and over again), which is why he's laughing. I'd probably say the same if someone came up to me with a candy cane (reskinned baseball bat), especially with the amount of people that RP it as such. (like me)


How did he put his life at risk, exactly? He saw a chance to make an escape when you were no longer looking towards him, which, with a baseball bat, is nearly the same as no longer having him at 'gunpoint', considering the short range of the baseball bat and all.
And since you weren't actually focused on him, chances are pretty high that your reaction time is longer than if you were looking straight at him, which easily allows him to run past.
And like I said, you weren't looking at him, more focused on taking his things. Like previously mentioned, this gives him a chance to escape, especially considering that the baseball bat is one of the weapons that are the least lethal of them all (at least realistically).
Not to mention, he has friends downstairs that can help him easily, and gun you down. Therefore, I will go ahead and quote 3.4 directly:
"Risks are deemed to be unreasonable when it can’t be appropriately and effectively justified"
Yes, Bilbo took a risk. But it can appropriately and effectively be justified by the fact that he has armed allies downstairs, whom would gladly help him (which they did).
"Players must at all times act realistically, meaning that any actions taken that may put a player’s In-Character life, freedom from imprisonment and/or general wellbeing at risk must be done so in a realistic fashion, for realistically good/beneficial reasons and in such a way that can be justified as reasonable."
Good/beneficial reasons? Avoiding loss of rare "materialistic items", as well as money that he may be carrying. Justification? Friends downstairs, armed, whom will gladly help out (as mentioned above)

It's pretty easy to figure out that I don't support this AR.

Not a valid /me, you didn't explain what you tied.

Second of all, it's a fucking baseball bat...
Wait a second here, why are everyone so god damn specific of that he tied him with a baseball bat? So you guys are perfectly fine with people holding AKs doing exactly the same? It's clearly kinda how we have to tie them in a sense as if you're a slow typer the victim might try to reach for a weapon and shoot you or run.

And yeah, I haven't read all the replies so I don't know if it has been covered but yeah.

"Second of all, it's a fucking baseball bat..."
Yeah? So? Are you claiming it's not realistic? I can report multiple incidents were I was mugged IRL by someone holding a knife or metal rod so that just doesn't make sense mate.

On phone
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I do not believe a baseball bat applies to gun point due to it not actually being a gun. If massive shootouts in the bazaar doesn't attract the attention of the staff then why should this. The mugger could have tried to gain access to a vacant appartment or one owned by bilbo. Anything can be mugged and there is clearly no rule about dolls that I know of.

Guns have range bats are only over arm length so if bilbo ran he could have had a chance but I agree injury RP should have been a factor.
When playing realistically, you can't always assume everyone has the same running speed. For all you know, he could run faster than you and you could get hit in the back of the head with a baseball bat while trying to run away.

All these posts saying "its just a baseball bat" are people that have never been in a situation like that in real life.
Regardless of whether or not @Jericho broke rule 5.1, Bilbo still broke rules as well. A baseball bat is an item considered to be a weapon, as it even goes under law 2.6 concerning offensive weapons. @-=Bilbo Swaggins=- took a chance to run, when Jericho was facing the ground waiting for items to be dropped, and Bilbo decided to run instead of continuing to drop items/etc. Realistically, Jericho would have been facing Bilbo, having him cornered as when he first came to him. As Jericho would have been facing Bilbo, he would have been able to hit him when he decided to walk away. Bilbo also screamed for help when he could have been hit by Jericho for doing so as well. A baseball bat is lethal, and the only reason Jericho wasn't facing Bilbo was cause he was picking up the items dropped due to the search he was performing.
For What reason Can you not mug a doll? Of course you Can, States NO where in the rules, it even happend to me...

  1. You shouldn't be mugging someone on a staircase in an apartment block.
  2. Your /me was invalid
  3. It's a baseball bat not a gun, if someone runs away what are you going to do shoot them or just throw the bat at their ankles in a desperate attempt to make them trip up
  4. Bilbo ran downstairs to his armed allies for help and they did indeed help him.
Next time, don't try to mug someone with a baseball bat and expect them to stay there, because what are you going to do if they run off, shoot them? Good luck.
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