Bishop Brothers

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Bishop's are a friendly pair of brothers. We don't like to cause harm unless, harmed. We came into this city and have built the Bishop name into a good name and I don't plan on ruining any time soon. We are brother's we stick together until the end. We are one as a pact, never break the pact.

The Brother:
Michael Bishop

Blood Brother:
Joe Bishop
Davis Bishop

Simon Bishop

Brian Bishop

Olaf Bishop
Jonathan Bishop

Half Brother:
Diyar Bishop

Alex Bishop
John Bishop

Step Brother:

Shay Bishop
Jarvic Bishop




Die Deutshe Mafia: Neutral

Logan Heights (Hitmen): Neutral

The Outlaws: Neutral

The Yakuza: Neutral

The Belinsky Family: Allied

The Paralake Partnership: Allied

The Trapani: Neutral

The Hampsure's: Neutral

Cresendo: Neutral

1. As a Bishop you will follow any and all commands/orders givin by a higher up rank.
2. We never kill each other or start fights with one another.
3. You do not raid/mug without permission from someone who is a higher rank.
4.Don't beg for higher ranks, you will just be kicked.
5. Dont be a dickbag. (Being a dickbag is only allowed for Davis Bishop)
6.We like to have fun, but when someone says to stop, stop.
7. Don't be a minge, or troll.
(More rules will be added once i think of more to add)
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I still dont get it.... I had some problems with marco belinsky he is or was in the org but i dindt do shit to him he traided me... is that what you mean?
as far as i know micheal gonna kick few members and get new cause alot of the members inactive any more
i will talk with him and ask him today what happend there
lol i am nearly evryday online me and another 3 people.
i even was last night online when michael was online
This org was disbanded due to the fact of inactivity and it was simply falling apart. Wish the best of luck to all of you.
So long gay boy! I'm just joking Micheal, I wish you the best of luck.

PS:Be more active.
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