Bobby Davis

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Your Steam/In-game Name: Slayerduck/Joe Baggers
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: KILLER/ Bobby Davis
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:95528259
Why Should This Player Be Punished: Stabbed me to dead randomly without reason at the bazaar, then lied about it during the admin sit.
Evidence (Demo Required): youtube
Tick: N/A
It happens somewhere at the end of the first vid, the 2nd vid is the sit.

I repeatedly made reports and asked in OOC about his steamid/steamname but with 8 mods on nobody is responding to anything.
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On a serious note, the guy should be punished for lying and randomly stabbing
Also, that guy should not be a police officer unless he knows what he is doing.
He gave him a ticket for "rape" without any kind of evidence, and didn't care that he was bleeding. Although he did call a medic, he should have stayed there to secure the area.

sorry to hear that joe baggers (fucking penis guy) :D , but first why "amy arnolds" punched you ? i think its kind of funny but it caused you bleeding and you requested that and the officer didnt even reported to the medic to come , so i think breaking a rule from the officer by ignoring a help while he is roleplaying as an officer and second "bobby davis" stapped you with a knife without any reason if he is saying "mugging" then he broke 5.1 by mugging you at the bazaar (puplic area) and 3.4 by stapping you with a knife while there is some people there that might see the situation and there was an officer so he can arrest him right away when you tell him. +Support

sorry for my english , if there something was wrong :P
First of all:Nice rage at the end.
But to be serious: The officer should be punished as he hasn't helped you with calling a medic as you called one and indirectly told him to get a medic, so he isn't "enforcing" law 8.2 and such breaking rule 4.1. "Bobby Davis" should receive a punishment as he stabbed you in the middle of the public where other civilians who were still around could've seen him and the police camera(s) at the bazaar would've recorded him aswell. Furthermore he lied to @Cole in the admin sit as he said he was "mugging" you, which would break 5.1, when he was just comming to you with a knife and stabbed you, which wouldn't help him in a mug as you could die and wouldn't be able to drop your money/items. All in all he broke 1.4 by lying to Cole in the admin sit, 3.4 by stabbing you in a public area (and 5.1 if he would've really tried to mug you, which I dont believe so I say he lied and thus broke 1.4).
This is the stupidest thing I've ever seen.
This guy clearly needs a few months to read over the rules.
Nice rage at the end by the way :laughcry:

User will be banned for 3 days for the random stabbing, he will receive an additional 2 days for clearly lying to Cole.

Thank you for taking the time to report this rule-breaker.
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