Boil Still

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Why Would You Ban Me For My Rest Of My Donor ship that tells me you don't want me donor so still why i had to go so why would you keep me banned
rockerofworlds;n10379 said:
Why Would You Ban Me For My Rest Of My Donor ship that tells me you don't want me donor so still why i had to go so why would you keep me banned
Shouldn't have left while being talk to.
That's Stupid To Say My Dad MADE ME LEAVE So Just There Is No Reason To Ban it was permanent but now 6month it should be 1 hour the server ban time is too much
I Should Let You Know That This Is A Perp Server Not A BAN SERVER It Makes Me Feel Like You guys ban too much time 6 months Is Not What A Perp Server Dose This Makes Me Not LIke To Play Its A Simple REASON TO UN-BAN This IS A BAN SERVER OUTRAGEOUS
If you are upset or angry about your ban go ahead and make a ban appeal then the admins etc might give you another chance.
You can make an unban appeal if you're sorry. The ban time will be shortened depending the conclusion of your appeal. But in my opinion this 'I could play fine but just as I started talking to the admins my dad made me leave' sounds like an obvious lie. But again, an apology unban appeal will be considered.

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