Server Suggestion Boost the fire truck by 5mph.

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Paralake Fire Department, PLC

Suggestion Title: Boost the fire truck by 5mph.
Suggestion Description: Boost the top speed of the fire truck to 55 or 5mph boost from its current speed as the speedometer isn't totally accurate. The ambulance and tow truck have a 20-25 mph speed gain on the fire truck and this difference is annoying and makes it hard to get to calls in time. I'm asking for a slight speed boost to make the fire truck alittle closer to them while still of course being much slower.

I'm not asking for a huge top speed boost but that extra 5 mph is something I've wanted for years. The growing job needs of the fire department ingame has made it hard to respond to all calls fast enough with the fire truck and given that most of the time it's just one person on the job this does make it hard to get to all the calls in time, I've had people die due to it.

The ram can't be used when you're just one person as then there's no water to put out fires. This is just to make the job easier on fire fighters who are understaffed ingame.

Why should this be added?:
- Decreased response times.
- The fire truck being more useful other than just being a portable fire hydrant source.
- Makes it easier for one person to get to all the jobs in time.

What negatives could this have?:
- The fire truck can be a little more of a weapon than it already is but really even 20 mph is catastrophic with it ingame.
- Decreases the use of the ram pickup or rover slightly but they still have a good 20-25 mph gain on it.

What problem would this suggestion solve?: Decreasing response time in order to better serve the server and having people die or incidents fall apart due to a lack of speed in getting to them.
While we are on the firetruck- could the suspension be looked at? Do not love flying when entering cornfield road