BR On Poop Dan 2.2, 3.1, 3.6

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Your Steam/In-game Name: [PH] ErmakDimon/Dmitrii Ermakovich
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: No Idea/Poop Dan
His/Her SteamID: No Idea
Why Should This Player Be Punished: 2.2:Low mic qualty, i told him to turn it off but he didn't
3.1: RP Name Poop Dan, was told to change it
3.6: Was saying "Just Kill Me"
EDIT: 3.24: listen what's he saying on 0:15 of the video
Evidence (Demo Required):!bUlXRQ7K!vDwoqhetMRSiD1VSIwqoVwcAUXMlzgMcRzhf0eN5Kgc
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+Support Who would Mic Spam, call themself Poop Dan and then say kill me for no reason. Clearly a player that doesn't know how to RP. No offence but after watching the YouTube video he sounds like a immature 8 year old that is playing on his brothers account while his brother is gone to play football.
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Was causing trouble before this, big +support
He was disturbing my roleplay for like 5-10 minutes before managed to get rid of him, haha.
As this is a micspam incident I'm just going to check the demo now.
I'm not too sure if Daymon is still away, I'll also try and find out for you so this ban request is processed in a speedy manner.

Have a Nice Day
Okay, you didn't report afaik(2.6). His mic wasn't even that bad. He was just in the living room because you could hear people.
You all stalled RP aswell. You don't cuff them and then tell him to change his name, so you do a report and let admin do it after the RP is finished.
[On an unrelated note]

This ban request is exemplary, it has both a YouTube video and a demo, I love that. I hate having to sieve through demos but sometimes it's needed. But I also think that someone who just uploads a YouTube video has something to hide because they don't show a demo, I envy the person whom is doing the ban requests right now!
Keep up the awesome formats!

Accepted / Denied
The user will be spoken to about the 3.6 part however he never killed himself he just said just kill me which isnt really against the rules. However you have recived your punishment for 3.24 and 2.1 by stalling the RP and detaining someone while running
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