BR on tadge

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No, you let me base with you i betrayed you.
EDIT: And also you had a gun armed which was a threat to me and you were being dodgy and wanted my friends drugs and you broke a rule by removing us from your buddys while being dead why didn't you put that into your demo?... :L
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Some input would be nice? Was he raiding you, was he one of the guys growing in the building? No idea what's going on, really.

EDIT: Well, Tadge betrayed you. Dick move, but alright.
Well, from what I see, he simply betrayed you which isn't the best move as Trande said- however it looks fine to me. You had a gun in passive stance which he may of taken as a threat and dealt with you instead of gunpointing you then possibly being killed himself.

(I'm just looking at it from Tadgee's point of view)
There's really nothing wrong with what he did. You just seem to be upset about losing your gun and drugs in a raid. Like previous people have said, it would make the most sense for him to shoot you, since you had an M4 in passive stance and could have shot him, essentially making it 3.4 if he didn't shoot you.
Nothing wrong with his actions here however it is not made clear on the situation, if you were mugging him then he was in the right to shoot you as you had an assault rifle in your hand which he could have seen as a threat and that you could easily just raise your gun and shoot him so I will -Support as he was right to shoot you.

//Closed on OP's request. If you give a, quote: "Shit", again, please contact me immediatly.
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