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United Kingdom
Your Steam/In-game Name: BA98/Ben Anderson

His/Her Steam/In-game Name:Robinson/Joseph

His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:17554830

Why Should This Player Be Punished: he broke 2.1,3.3,4.1,4.3 and 4.4. at the start i was walk to subs 1 when cops arrived there so i watched what was going on. the first time he came over and said some random words and went inside. i heard a shot so went to make sure they were ok, when i go in the cops cuff me and put me against the wall. i turn round and sit down and hes says i will shoot you and i said im n cuffs what can i do and he shoots next to my head to scare me which was very dumb. then when he took me to pd he asks how long i have to go in for and they say 2-3 years fair and he goes ok so 7 as im the judge and executioner, then when im in jail he beats another man in cuffs to death in the hall. a bit excessive maybe?

Evidence (Demo Required):

Don't have the time to watch this now, but if your word from this is correct than what he did is definitely against the rules and won't be tolerated. All in all he can put you in for longer if he so desires but that usually limits too around 1 year going either way, at most two. The fact that he went 4-5 years in advance is highly unacceptable and him unnecessarily beating a convict to the point of him dying is absolutely punch-whoring and in my sense, ban worthy.

Player will be temporarily banned for 1 week.
There three distinct breakages; the Law 11.11 breakage thus breaking 4.1, this also conjoining with 2.1, and the 2.5 because of the increase in sentence by 4 minutes.

@BA98 please check inbox for further details on matter.

Closed and Moved.
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