BR |Willaim White [3.26, 3.24 and 1.4] + Robinn Banks Missuse of firearms [2 BR in one]

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Birmingham, United Kingdom
Your Steam/In-game Name: MrAaron - Aaron Doman
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Willaim White
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:76115349

Why Should This Player Be Punished:
This player should be punished because we searched him 3 times but in the video it shows twice because I clicked stop in console so I could upload this, after the hole rigmarole he had 10 cannabis seeds and cannabis on his character which he did not drop the first three times, due to his actions and manner I decided to upload this ban request because he simply didn't comply.

@NiebuhrBeast ,@Madda and @Prepper was both here on the scene and witnessed a majority of it too, in the video it shows him breaking the following rules.

Rules player needs to learn:



Evidence (Demo Required):
Tick: 0


Your Steam/In-game Name:
MrAaron - Aaron Doman
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Robinn Banks.
His/Her SteamID: N/S

Why Should This Player Be Punished:
Shooting fellow officers repeatedly him being the guy who shot Prepper the time before and also when @NiebuhrBeast told him to stop opening the prison gate doors he decided to spray down the jail lobby doors.

Rules + Laws the officer broke
Law: Miss use of firearms



Evidence (Demo Required):
Tick: 0
That guy's name (Robinn Banks) could also lead to 3.1. Seems like a stupid name.
Please let me add. This is his last warning before a long ban sentence. He was a pain in the ass in the admin sit about his name to multiple staff members. If this is accepted, it needs to be a long sentance as I believe he may just be here to troll.

Enjoy @Blicky ;)

So, turns out Robinn Banks is the same guy I dealt with like yesterday and ended up already receiving a ban from me and due to him being a general pain in the ass and not showing an intent to roleplay he will receive a permanent ban.

Willaim will also recieve a hefty 2 month ban from the server for the rules stated above and also for the fact he has given a false steam ID to Aaron in an attempt to get someone else banned.
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