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Is this a new law or a change to a current law:

It's a new law to be added in section 9: Violent Crime. and to update law 9.3 accordingly if added

What law do you wish to change/add:

Brandishing an offensive weapon

Why should this change/addition be made:

If you check the threat of physical harm it mentions this: Any person who causes another person to be in fear of physical assault as defined under article 9.1 by verbal, physical, emotional, or other forms of intimidation acts unlawfully. While I understand this covers a bunch of situations and 'other' intimidation techniques. I feel that the punishment is very low if someone is pointing a weapon at somebody. Punches and threats are one thing as they can have a longer recovery time and plenty for the victim to flee/fight back if they need to. With a gun, however, that is a much different story. A guy with a gun or any offensive weapon threatening someone should not get off very lightly. The max sentence for 9.3 is 3 years and 2,500$ which is ridiculous. I believe that similar to 9.1 and 9.2 there should be a much higher max sentence for this. I propose the max should be: 6 years and 5,000$. Make it so that brandishing an offensive weapon is a separate law and that the threat of physical harm(9.3) generally covers words and physical assault in general but not with a weapon.

What is the aim of this change/add?
This addition aims to make the law less broad and be specific for certain things that are way more violent and threatening. Actions should have consequences. A guy yelling to kill someone and punching them is a much less deadly threat in comparison to brandishing a firearm or any offensive weapon.

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