Breaching idea's

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Raiding is apart of the server and people mostly complain about it. Now I think there should be more options to what you can do to breach a property.

Currently, we have: Crowbar/bobby pin the door or bomb the door. Currently, bombing is the safest and best way to get in due to getting wall banged when attempting to bobby/crowbar. Now I think there should be other ways to breach the door.

Description of the idea:

1. As already posted in other threads a special shotgun or attachment to a gun that has a breachable round would be a great addition to cops as well as civs.
2. Breachable windows / Heavier rounds to breach a door/window. (Would require a lot more firepower to be able to hit the door and window to get it to break.
3. Use a Cracker as done in the bank vault. I'm not sure how or if it's possible but by creating a device that could be put against the door and would make a "thudding" noise when placed.
4. Additional to number 2 breachable windows I'd suggest a raid ladder. So people could for say get up to P1 or S1 or R2 with a ladder and breach from there. This would have obvious risks.
5. Burn down the door with a flame thrower

Why should this be added? (pros):
- Less bombing
- More ways to be creative
- More exciting gameplay.
- Money sinks into expensive items

What negatives could this have? (cons):
- Map changes to buildings
- Ladder could be buggy
- Flame Thrower could be abused.

Other additions:
Going into the additions of every idea:

1&2 Breachable rounds should only get obtained through an NPC or somewhere else as these should be rare.
3. The Doorcracker can be disabled when someone presses the "use" button as seen with the bank raid, Thudding noise should happen when being placed and when its activated (becomes louder when thuds)
4. Ladders should have rules regarding it (2.1)
5. Flame thrower should only be used upon breachable props. (doors/windows)

Let me know what you'se think.
As head of TFU I cannot really endorse the idea of utilising a flamethrower to breach an apartment, as the objective of a raid is to secure and arrest all the suspects inside and recover contraband!

More ways to breach a door might be decent but overall not really all that game changing. I await to see what direction this discussion goes to though!

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