Server Suggestion Buff Regeneration gene


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Suggestion Title: Buff Regeneration gene
Suggestion Description: Buff the Regeneration gene - specifically the scaling with more than 1 point in it.

Why should this be added?:
- You currently give up a lot to get more points in regeneration, and I've used regeneration 1, 2, and 5, and found that even at 5 I regenerate very slowly due to the new system with the progress meter thingy. It would be nice for it to just be a bit faster with regeneration 5, as right now I can't justify to myself having more than one point in regeneration while stim packs exist and regeneration 5 is still so slow compared to what it used to be.

- The gene's only purpose is for regeneration, so it should be decently powerful if you're investing points into it over things such as Dexterity & Strength, which allow you to craft specific items and also give your character benefits at the same time.

What negatives could this have?:
- Could be too powerful.
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This wouldn't be too bad of an idea. With the current system getting hit resets the timer and it still takes awhile for regen to start meaning it wouldnt effect gunplay too much other than say snipers but theres only 2-3 places to snipe on the map and they're all well known.

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