Bug Report (i put a side bet on the blackjack 50 k and won 1,3 mil and didnt get it i have a video)

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Type of Bug: Content

Description of the Bug: i put a side bet on the blackjack 50 k and won 1,3 mil and didnt get it i have a video

How to reproduce the Bug: i dont know

Errors: here you can see my transaction log i didnt play for a while....


Media: https://youtu.be/Uk53_AyrsOE
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Why did you cut the video out before you finished the game?

If you leave the table, a pop-up will say something that if you leave the sable your bet/winnings will be lost if you do so.
Check again the next time you join the server, it should be in your bank.

Also your very shoddy clips don't show anything of value to us.

sorry i have a full clip without the cut i dont no why its cut like that..

i rewatched it i accidently clicked on ok and left the table to early i thought i waited long enough.... i hope i can still get refunded

No, we wont issue a refund, you pressed ok on a prompt warning you that you are about to exit.

As this isn't a bug its now closed.

ps, nice try ;)

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