Bye :c

suk my nuts connor mcgreggor! cya man thx for the good ol' days in harpers it was jokes, sad i didn't get to hang out with you much since the harpers fell out. gl with your studies and future endeavors
Rip pussy wagon

Sad to see you go, we had some really fun times on the server. Good luck with school and I hope that one day you can return so we may revive the wagon.
Well despite only being known as the immensely derogatory "Scottish prick" it's nice to be tagged, sorry to hear you're leaving, you've been very fun to play with and I don't have csgo so I shan't be playing often with you anymore, so you know, sad face xdxd. Anyways good luck with all the above mentioned, I hope you have a recherché time. fancy word lmao