Bye, dont play much anymore.

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United Kingdom
Hello, many of you probably dont know me that well but for those who do i dont really enjoy playing perp anymore, its gotten stale and im not enjoying growing or doing anything like that anymore. Also not interested in cop either as it has gotten boring. Thanks for all the great times, will be back when i become interested in it again.

Thanks to:
@Rogue Car Tyres
@LJ and @NadaJunes

-Ryzo / Suzzane / Samuel / Retard
(will be active on forums because its a good past time)
One weeb down, now we just need to get Sonzy to leave.

See ya man, it's been fun playing with you.
I completely agree with the reasons you've given to leaving. It just gets reeeeally boring and repetitive after a while.
Cya mang
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Its funny cuz ya all saying like oh i don't enjoy growing anymore and shit so i better quit but to be honest the real fun starts after you done with growing and everything is just disposable. You don't have to worry much about losing certain guns or wasting bombs and shit and you can spend all the money on things to use in RP situations. You know, RP? Its the thing the server is made for. Not sitting in a house being a boring fucker with some world war 2 aids defense and growing drugs for the sole purpose of getting that stupid fast car nobody but you gives a shit about.
Its funny cuz ya all saying like oh i don't enjoy growing anymore and shit so i better quit but to be honest the real fun starts after you done with growing and everything is just disposable. You don't have to worry much about losing certain guns or wasting bombs and shit and you can spend all the money on things to use in RP situations. You know, RP? Its the thing the server is made for. Not sitting in a house being a boring fucker with some world war 2 aids defense and growing drugs for the sole purpose of getting that stupid fast car nobody but you gives a shit about.
Good one there lad
I have been in one of your orgs and I am really sad to see you leave. You are a great role player apart from a couple of incidents but please come back and visit.
Just for you're info i decided im not going to leave because i still enjoy RP with my babe @Exrobite and also realised that being banned isnt the end of the world i'll just have to wait it out and learn from my mistakes.

Can someone lock this or something please?
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