Bye.... I am going somewhere better

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Today, I was told to shut the fuck up from a swat officer ben walker, put inside my own room. It anyoyed me but I carried on, however. the admin creepis told me once I come a medic with no clue to "shut the fuck up you fucking cunt". to know it was a admin made me real annoyed, i physicly had a emotional breakdown (for over 20 mins) over it because I was feeling too harassed, I don't know when I will come back. but not until I know I wont be harassed like I am at school and home.

I will say bye to some people

@th3xb0xg4m3r . Thanks for helping me with everything I needed help with.

@Thomas Fredrick Great Cpl now sgt, even though I said some stuff we was good again. Also thanks for helping me to acheve my dream.

@KayB Thanks for helping me and making me laugh

Before you say make a staff complaint, I will be. But I will not join this community till he don't be that rude to me.

Tbh i feel bad for him for some reason, no clue why. Anyways, this is how it is, being honest.

Have a nice day, good-luck and hopefully we will see you another time, just make up your mind cause you won't find another server like this.

Loves, Avenia, the furry or something. c:
I was told to shut the fuck up from a swat officer ben walker,

For reference I never told you to "Shut the fuck up", You were shouting while I was trying to figure out what happened and because you were aggravated I put you in a room to calm down. I did however tell you to "Shut up for a moment" because you just kept shouting. Creepis told you to shut up because he was being shot at and trying to communicate important info to other officers and you interrupted saying "Swat can you not speak over radio".

Shit happens IC but its not really a reason to put all of this on the forums.
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Hey buddy, I was the person who made the negative remark (Not Ben Walker, might want to correct that). I was literally being shot at, paniced and told Walker multiple times to come over to my location in which you said "Can you not say that repeatedly?" as a paramedic, just interrupting my panic and transmission as I was being shot at and I just said that out of the blue, I am not like this and I tend to be the quiet and shy person but that situation somehow triggered me. I tried to apologize at the hospital (not sure if you even heard it with all the people talking) but I'll say sorry here again. Feel free to come back later, make an IA report or even staff complaint if you think it's necesarry for something that happened IC. I didn't really mean it from my heart but it's understandable if you did take it because of what you've been trough for the past few weeks in school, family, etc. You were warned for 4.1 (law 6.7) though (not going to explain it here tbh) but Bean Can and me were absolutely against banning you, even though you requested it.

Again, sorry. Best of luck in the future.
If someone tells you to "shut the fuck up" then whoever said it probably had a good reason to. And the fact that someone who happens to be an admin says something to you IC, really isn't a problem. Just because you're a staff member, doesn't mean you can't swear at people, as long as you do it IC and not OOC.

Either way, I'm certain that you must've been a real pain in the ass, because I've never heard Creepis say something like that.
I am not trying to be rude or anything but leaving a community because of someone calling you a "fucking cunt" and tells you "to shut the fuck up" is really weak... You shouldn't stop doing something you like doing because of that. I've been called a fucking cunt so many times, but I am a fucking cunt so it's true. You are not a fucking cunt and should continue playing with your friends, you abandoned your friends in PERPHeads because of someone calling you a fucking cunt.

I honestly think this is an attempt to seek for attention. Why would you post this on the forums? Creepis and Walker are both great guys and everything was IC..

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I know exactly what you feel man :(. I was walking on the ally way one day then some bloke named Bailey something gun pointed me and said "Shadafaq up shadafaq up". Except that I couldn't stop laughing when he said it so probably the same emotions.
I'll take this as your official resignation from the whitelisted part of the Paralake Police Department. You should be receiving a private message in regards to that though.

Best of luck.
How tragic.

I guess we've come to the conclusion that a select few people can't take a few sounds generated by vibrations within the mouth which reach the ear. If someone tells you to shut the fuck up with a reason, do it, and don't take it to heart. It's a game.

i physicly had a emotional breakdown (for over 20 mins)
A guy named Dan Keem gets told to kill himself and that he looks like a gnome every day in the youtube comments, he never cried.
Like, have you ever seen Tyler1's twitch chat when he's live? But he doesn't have an emotional breakdown, wanna know why?
Because it's the fucking internet.
Sadly, you're just overreacting.
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