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I remember, when i first joined perp, mainly for policing, i was always excited because it was simply fun and every situation was diffrent, most people roleplayed with you. Now, when i go police i press f1 atlaest every hour and tell myself nonstop 'dont fuck up dont fuck up dont fuck up dont fuck up dont fuck up' because the slightest thing you do and people go salty, threaten with ia complaints. everything now is way, way to fucking strict , i said to myself ill stop policing and im just gonna grow, nope, i tried it for a full hour, kep being raided, cops always show up at apps to handcuff you for 20 mins, shit's difficult if you dont have a big org w/o friends. Perpheads went, for me, from 'i want a slot i wanna plaaaaay' to 'dont fuck up, 4 months ban and you lost your work of 2.5 years'

No, im not resigning from the pd, i worked way to fucking hard for jack shit


see you next week, maybe not.

fine line between serious and fucking retarded, just dropping this.

no names because i hate when im not a list even tough i did alot for some people so, hey, if you read this you'll know if you would've been on one or not.
just saying, not blaming staff for being to strict, you guys are just doing what you're supposed to do ( @ShadowJoey c: ) its just i dont find perp any fun anymore because of many changes.
Okay, I thought I would explain this but the reason such defences aren't allowed is because it's considered unrealistic for heavy concrete barricades to be on feeble balconies and also how you had a slither of a gap to shoot through making it nearly a one way defence via vision.
Okay, I thought I would explain this but the reason such defences aren't allowed is because it's considered unrealistic for heavy concrete barricades to be on feeble balconies and also how you had a slither of a gap to shoot through making it nearly a one way defence via vision.
no i completely understand it, but its the combination of everything is why im leaving the balcony thing is a tiny example, could post more but its getting late.
people go salty, threaten with ia complaints.
Lmao, when I was Lt. I had that all the time and still do. Regardless of your rank and all that, people are just trying to intimidate you to get their way out of a ticket or jail sentence. More often than not, nothing will happen, as it was just an attempt to elude you. This only applies if it's IC, however.

//on phone
To be fair what a lot of people don't understand is that PERP is always changing and has to do as the system gets used in some kind of way, for example in V1 when people just used a hell of a lot of meth @ one stove, that kinda shows that it has to be changed as people were making millions under a day and such. The concrete on the balcony for example; Why would people think this is allowed (I know you understand why it was removed just had to put that in there)

Disliking change is one of the most common symptoms in autism. XDDDD
To be fair what a lot of people don't understand is that PERP is always changing and has to do as the system gets used in some kind of way, for example in V1 when people just used a hell of a lot of meth @ one stove, that kinda shows that it has to be changed as people were making millions under a day and such. The concrete on the balcony for example; Why would people think this is allowed (I know you understand why it was removed just had to put that in there)

Disliking change is one of the most common symptoms in autism. XDDDD

well i have autism, how coincidental xd


^^^^ Accurate representation of the dutch within this community, a slowly dying species... very enthusiastic but even more important "lit" part of this community

anyways, you're a nice lad and we'll be in touch on steam, whenever I come on there xD

good luck with whatever you are planning to do later on :)


Sad to see you leave, Sneaky! I remember when I first met you when you were an SO, so we pulled a lit 2 man bank robbery and got away with it :booty: