
Bye Ayjay. Even though you removed me from your friends list on steam I still have always respected you for having the balls to stand up for the staff team when we needed it the most. Sadly both our time in this community is at an end.
Comment withdrawn as this thread is randomly put up now, due to the fact Ayjay clearly has not left.
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I undeestand if someone says goodbye but then comes back. But not 4 times in 2-3 months just to get some 'attention'
  • The third time he has left the community,
  • and came back.
  • his name is devvo devvoson,
  • we hasnt been forced renamed.
  • this man must be a wizard.

This post smells of butthurt from a situation that didnt go your way,
I think you'll find that I resigned, then left.
I then came back, and went inactive (I didn't leave)
I played some more and kept going inactive then started playing again.
Then I made this.

I've left once before, and this post was made as I was angry. I didn't actually leave
the community.
