C.S.W.A.T (Corrupt Sticks With Ass-kicking Tactics)

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Welcome to the
C.S.W.A.T. (Corrupt Sticks With Ass-kicking Tactics)

(I had no idea of what S.W.A.T stood for so I came up with that.)


We used to fight crime but we found out that the police force is corrupt so we switched to become a gang. We are highly trained professionals and only accept the ones who know how to use a gun. It started back during the time of when S.T.A.G (Special Tactical Anti Gang) (http://saintsrow.wikia.com/STAG) came in to Steelport. (In Saints Row 3) They were highly trained professionals who used Next-Gen Tech such as the Xbox One and the PS4 to try and kill the 3rd Street Saints. We don't have that tech here in Paralake so we just stick with guns. Anyway the leader Mr. Revenge aka Dylan Smith lives in hicktown, he used to stay with his Mom until she overcooked his pancakes, he killed her with a minigun. He then thought of his years of a Police Officer and thought that the S.W.A.T always gets pissed off because of the shit Lieutenant who shouts at everyone. So he thought of making C.S.W.A.T.


1. Stop A Gang Shootout: $30,000

2. Stop A Gang Raid: $25,000

3. Assassinate Someone: $20,000

4. Stop A Kidnapping: $15,000

5. Rescue Someone: $10,000

6. Stop A Police Raid: $7,500

7. Escort Someone: $5,000

8. Stop A Break In: $1,000

Want any of these services? Call 555 - 1602


Boss: @Mr. Revenge |
Dylan Smith

Lieutenant: @Boscar Cake | Oscar Trulock


Gun Enforcement Officers:

C.S.W.A.T Officers:


1. Don't steal anything from the org.

2. Always listen to ranks higher than you or risk being punished.

3. Respond to org members if they need help.

4. If you can always carry a weapon on you.

5. I repeat do not betray the org. WILL BE A BIG PUNISHMENT.


Anything will be fine but make sure that the colour of your clothes is black.


Hicktown, Glass Co, Scrappy Joe's, Farm


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Nice but I think you should get rid of the saints row stuff and the childish humour.
() Important bulletin ()
  • Need 2,000 dollars to make org.
  • New LT Oscar Trulock.
  • Meeting at Hicktown this weekend. (Time to be confirmed soon.)
  • Uniform will be released soon.
() Important bulletin ()
If the owner doesn't even have enough to create the org I have a feeling you're going to A. Struggle to buy seeds , B. Fail and loose your only baseball bats or C. Not have enough for burgers and die

Rate it dumb all you want. I give it a day tops.

I doubt you could stop yourself suffocating in a carrier bag let alone stop a gang shoot-out
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What's the difference between a break in and a raid? Aren't they the same things in perp :kappa:. Also, not too sure how you're going to stop a gang shootout with 2 men. I also highly doubt people are going to pay you 30k for that. Also, like @Duffy said how are you going to survive if you're too poor to even pay to create the org.

TLDR; Good luck stopping Peter the Prophet with 2 men.
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