Server Suggestion Cancelling org rivalries being a mutual decision

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Suggestion Title: Cancelling org rivalries being a mutual decision
Suggestion Description: Only allow players to unrival organisations with mutual agreement from that other organisations leader(s).

This prevents a plethora of issues elaborated upon below and remains realistic. This also forces players to make plea deals with rivals, and even more so, for more bitter rivalries, force organisations to disband or members to break away in order to abstain from the threat of a rival. Currently on perp you can kill a whole organisation and they will still retain their strength because they respawn, unlike in real life where gang wars can end in the deaths or casualties of their members making them lose strength.

This feature was implemented to encourage more RP through interactions with other players but nowadays players just do everything remotely with minimal interaction.

Why should this be added?:
- prevents org relations rule being loopholed and bypassed by cancelling and reinstating org relations when convenient to do so.
- Prevents organisations from cancelling rivalries in wars they are losing without making an agreement with the rivalling org and forming some sort of mutually beneficial agreement, or one sided agreement in the event of a total loss of an org in a gang war, thus increasing roleplay and adding an element of essentially forced interaction with another organisation.
- Overall increases roleplay atmosphere, and helps define a true victor within an org rivalry rather than coming online one morning only to find out that your org rival cancelled during a 4am powergrow session.

What negatives could this have?:
- To be honest with you I don’t actually see a con that doesn’t defeat the purpose of the rival feature to begin with. The only issue I see is it gives players less control over their organisation?
Prevents organisations from cancelling rivalries in wars they are losing
Omegalul yes please. I completely agree with the idea that it'd put more incentive for organizations to plea with each other and come to a mutually acceptable conclusion and I think it'd be interesting to see what sort of agreements would unfold as a result of this between different organizations.

As for the potential negative that you listed, I don't think it'll necessarily give the players less control because it'll sort of re-define what becoming rivals actually means because there won't be a simple escape as there once was so people would actually have to consider if going to war is worth it or not.
nd helps define a true victor within an org rivalry rather than coming online one morning only to find out that your org rival cancelled during a 4am powergrow session.
Yes! Peace treaties! Pls implement this!
Omegalul yes please. I completely agree with the idea that it'd put more incentive for organizations to plea with each other and come to a mutually acceptable conclusion and I think it'd be interesting to see what sort of agreements would unfold as a result of this between different organizations.

As for the potential negative that you listed, I don't think it'll necessarily give the players less control because it'll sort of re-define what becoming rivals actually means because there won't be a simple escape as there once was so people would actually have to consider if going to war is worth it or not.
completly agree with this
Sounds really interesting, I don't know how ORG rivalries work now but it seems that people just randomly rival other orgs for no reason and then don't do anything about it, like no fighting or anything, unless I missed something, so it would be cool if there would be real consequences
Sounds really interesting, I don't know how ORG rivalries work now but it seems that people just randomly rival other orgs for no reason and then don't do anything about it, like no fighting or anything, unless I missed something, so it would be cool if there would be real consequences
People fight but as soon as they lose one fight they remove the rivalry...
To be able to unrivalled without mutual consent we could make it so you lose a certain amount of levels?
Would be a viable alternative at least.
would it make it so the org that has the ''victory'' and makes the other org quit out of the rivalry gains levels or nah ?
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