Server Suggestion Car tires Puncturing

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Sheffield United Kingdom
Suggestion Title: Car tires Puncturing
Suggestion Description: Okay so everytime i see a car get spiked is properly disabled and can't escape so I am now making a this suggestion to change how it works a bit. So instead of actually puncturing the cars it should not be punctured and swerve but should stay there as a flat tire and can move straight but at a very slow pace so it acts as it has been punctured as we have it now.. This also gives a chance for the driver to try to get his car back to veikos to fix it

Why should this be added?:
- Easier to drive vehicles while spikes or how it is able to get a flat tire
- It is more simple to get your car back to veikos instead of spending your whole day trying to get to the destination ( veikos )
- More likeable and better
- Better realism

What negatives could this have?:
- To easy to fix your car
- Easy to escape as the car goes straight

What problem would this suggestion solve?: This problem solves the car flat tire and will make it a lot easier to maneuver around with a flat tire to get to veikos and will be easier to basically try to get somewhere to saftey.

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