cats or dogs

cats or dogs

  • dogs

    Votes: 44 65.7%
  • cats

    Votes: 23 34.3%

  • Total voters
If you're a lazy fucker that dont mind picking up some grassy puke every so often then cats are a go to

If you're a more active person that likes picking up logs using a bag.. dogs are your go to

Been raised with both.. soo
My dog (french bulldog) is great if you want nothing but attention and loving! Our three cats are pretty easy going but ive always leaned on dogs being better because i'll get dogs when i move out.. dont see me getting cats
cats because they approach me first, im the cat whisperer for my street
more willing to cuddle than dogs
you should see my dog, he never leaves anyone alone unless he is asleep
my dog is nice, He welcomes you whenever I get home. And my cats never did, They were just on the couch laying down sleeping and only when i said their names they would come. My dog already comes welcoming you and playing with you within seconds of seeing him not even saying any word. Cats are a bit lazy, at least my cats were. And my dog is active which i like :D