Cause of lag?

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Under Lewis088's bed
There has been quite a few periods of server wide lag spiked over past couple days, i do not know if this has been going on for a while or not but does anyone know anything about it?
I've noticed it slightly but mainly when there is a high player base which is to be expected, are you experiencing this when it's quite a low player base or later in the day?
well you see the lag is mainly caused by
Dude really said:
I've noticed it slightly but mainly when there is a high player base which is to be expected, are you experiencing this when it's quite a low player base or later in the day?
a lot of players and when fredy or a dev is on, could be something their doing? not sure though however it is to the point where the 1-2 minute lag is unbearable
I've had lag which has caused me to crash into people, I got banned for something I couldn't do anything about.
Could be people fucking around. I'm not allowed to do builder rp with my raptor because it lags the server with physics stuff